I can't believe we're almost in 2024! I think 2023 is finally catching up with me. Thursday, I was completely out of gas and felt a little run-down, so I took it easy the rest of the day. Looking to finish off 2023 strong. 💪
With that, another week, another newsletter. Let's get to it!
Around the Web
- Supabase dropped a great feature at their latest launch week. You can now branch databases. I know that I'll be leveraging this feature for some end-to-end testing work I'll be putting in place at OpenSauced.
- Corbin Crutchley dropped a great read, What is Reactivity?
- If you've ever encountered React hydration errors, this might be the tool you're looking for, builder.io's React Hydration Overlay. I know that I'll be taking this for a test drive.
- I love Andy Bell's work and content, and here's a great read on a new unit in CSS land,
. Check out LH units are cool. - Addy Osmani over on Threads had a great share, A non-trivial Movies app built in multiple frameworks. It's a movie app built in various frameworks and it's all open source. 👏
Fun Stuff
This cracked me up. Thanks for sharing on X Seb Lorber! 🤣
Shameless Plugs
This week on nickyt.live, I got to hang with Ray Deck (@rhdeck), founder of statechange.ai. We discussed low code tooling, AI, all the things.
I dropped probably what will be my last blog post of the year. If you're looking to move to Vitest from Jest for your React project, look no further:

Migrating from Jest to Vitest for your React Application
Nick Taylor for OpenSauced ・ Dec 14 '23
The latest Jamstack Radio podcast episode dropped this week, and I was the guest. We discussed all things Next.js, frameworks, and the ever-evolving landscape of the JavaScript ecosystem.
Thanks for having me on @bdougieyo!
Lastly, I want to thank HeroDevs for becoming my first GitHub sponsor. I recently set up my GitHub sponsor page, so it's cool to see it seeing some action already. 💜
That's a wrap! Until the next one.
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