Streamed: 12/06 on Twitch
๐ด Watch โ Twitch VOD (replay) Part 1 Part 2
Had a fun, impromptu stream Friday night learning C# with @AlSweigart! :D We took a few of his Python stdio Games and remade them in C#.
Language(s) Used: [C# .NET Core 3.1]
Tech & lib(s) used: VSCode
Project Repository โญ CODE
๐ Code & notes from stream down below! :D
During the stream we...
โ got set up with C# .NET core 3.1
โ made a C# ver of a python app that converts texts sPoNgEboB meme
โ made a C# ver of a python app that races snails ....@v
Here's the code we wrote...
Console.WriteLine("c# sPoNgEtExTbY aL sWeIGaRt aNd niNjAbuNnY9000. cOmeNtEr YoUr MeSsAgE:");
// takes text input and passes into spongebob func
string input_text = string.Empty;
string output_text = "O K => ";
bool use_upper = false;
var rand = new Random();
Console.WriteLine("wHaT Do yoU WaNt to cOnVerT?");
input_text = Console.ReadLine();
// for every character in the text
foreach (var c in input_text) {
// check if it's an upper or lower
if (use_upper) {
output_text += char.ToUpper(c); // change it to upper
} else {
output_text += char.ToLower(c); // change it to lower
use_upper = !use_upper; // flip the case
// every 10 characters, randomly flip the case again
if (rand.Next(1,10) == 1) {
use_upper = !use_upper; // ;D r YoU sUrE/?
// TODO: input validation
static void Main(string[] args)
// part 0) define vars
const int MAX_NUM_SNAILS = 8; // TODO
const int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 12; // TODO
const int FINISH_LINE = 60;
int num_snails = 0;
var snail_names = new List<string>();
var snail_progress = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var rand = new Random();
Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
// part 1) ask how many snails
// TODO: validate for bad input
Console.WriteLine("How many snails are racing today? (MAX 8?");
num_snails = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
// part 2) ask for the snail's names
// TODO: implement character limit
for(int i = 0; i < num_snails; i++) {
Console.WriteLine($"What do you want to name snail #{i}?");
snail_progress.Add(snail_names[i], 0);
// part 3) print out the starting line setup
Thread.Sleep(1500); // pause before starting the race
bool racing = true; // TODO make it a do-while later too
// part 4) big while loop that does the race
while (racing) {
// pause and clear the screen between each frame
// progress a random snail
string moving_snail = snail_names[rand.Next(num_snails)];
snail_progress[moving_snail] += 1;
// check if snails have finished
if (snail_progress[moving_snail] >= FINISH_LINE) {
Console.WriteLine($"{moving_snail} has won!!");
racing = false; // exit the program
// render the snails to the console
foreach (var snail in snail_names) {
PrintSnail(snail, snail_progress[snail]);
// TODO: maths so starting line moves to accommodate name length
static void PrintStartingLine(int length) {
// print starting line 60-spaces from the finish line
var spaces = new string (' ', length);
Console.WriteLine($" |{spaces}|");
// TODO: align the snail's names (better)
static void PrintSnail(string name, int pos) {
// print spaces and then the snail's name
var offset = new string (' ', 5);
var spaces = new string (' ', pos);
Console.WriteLine(" " + spaces + name);
// print number of dots of position and the snail
var dots = new string ('.', pos);
Console.WriteLine(" " + dots + "@v");
Live Coding Schedule
That pretty much wraps things up for this stream. If you have any questions about the code, Python, or any of the tech used in general - swing by during a live stream and say hello!
๐ Follow on Twitch
I stream Python coding & lame jokesโข on Twitch every Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday around 7pm PST.
For the most up to date schedule, check my pinned post on Twitter.
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