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Nikola Mitic
Nikola Mitic

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Making your CV talk 🤖 How to send text stream from Express JS?

Here we have stream coming from Open AI. We need to read chunks and stream it back as soon as chunk is ready. In a way we are streaming a stream.

One can make a case that this is not needed, however I am doing this in order to hide API keys for Groq, Open AI and Hygraph headless CMS. As I do not want them to be exposed to the client.

Route handler for /api/ask route:

export const route = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const { question } = req.query;

  if (typeof question !== "string") {
    return res
      .send(`Client error: question query not type of string`);
  try {
    const answerSource = await getAnswerSource();

    const answerChunks = await getAnswerChunks(answerSource, question, false);

    for await (const chunk of answerChunks) {
      if (req.closed) {

  } catch (error) {
    return res.status(500).send(`Server error: ${error}`);

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Let's dissect it a bit:

const answerSource = await getAnswerSource();
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Here we are getting all our relevant data, CV, blog posts plus any pages you would like your AI clone to be aware of.

const answerChunks = await getAnswerChunks(answerSource, question, false);
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Here we are feeding out LLM with our custom data and question. And getting stream back as a response.

    for await (const chunk of answerChunks) {
      if (req.closed) {
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Here we simply iterate over chunks and make sure we close connection in case client do so as well.

And our streamception is done! 🎏

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