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Hassan El Mghari profile picture

Hassan El Mghari

Developer Advocate at Vercel | Founder of UltraShock Gaming

Location Philadelphia, PA Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website
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One Year Club
How I built NotesGPT – a full-stack AI voice note app

How I built NotesGPT – a full-stack AI voice note app

Comments 27
7 min read

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What is Developer Advocacy and how to get a job in it?

What is Developer Advocacy and how to get a job in it?

Comments 6
3 min read
Leading developer relations at a Silicon Valley Startup

Leading developer relations at a Silicon Valley Startup

Comments 2
4 min read
How to Develop Your Talent Stack

How to Develop Your Talent Stack

Comments 3
3 min read
Build or sell: The two critical skills in tech

Build or sell: The two critical skills in tech

Comments 5
2 min read
How I became a certified Scrum Master in 3 days

How I became a certified Scrum Master in 3 days

Comments 10
3 min read