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Article on how to create and deploy azure App services using Azure CLI

*Azure App Services * is a fully managed platform for building, deploying, and scaling web applications and APIs. It supports multiple programming languages, including .NET, Java, Node.js, Python, and PHP, and provides built-in features such as authentication, scaling, and monitoring.It's a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS).

Three requirements to create an App Service application in Azure
.The Resource group (This is where everything about the App service project will be stored.
.The App service plan (It is where the computer are located).
.The WebApp itself.(An empty web app that can host the code for out application)

So we are going to start creating our App service application by opening our terminal for MAC users and powershell for window users, for the purpose of this article I'm going to use Terminal for MAC.But before we need to install Azure CLI in our computer.

Step 1
In your Terminal, 'az login' and click enter, it will prompt up an Azure login page, then login.Make sure it brings all the information of your account on the Terminal screen before continue.

Command & Login page

Login page

Display information of my account

Step 2
We create our 'Resource group' by typing this code in the terminal - (az group create --name zanmedixRG --location northeurope) then click Enter on your keyboard.

Resource group

Step 3
We create the our 'AppService plan', by writing these command ( az appservice plan create -- name zanmedixAppPlan --resource-group zanmedixRG) on your Terminal.

Creating App Plan

Step 4
We will create an empty web application that will host our code.we are going to do that by typing this command in the terminal ( az webapp create --name zanmedixApp -- resource-group zanmedixRG --plan zanmedixAppPlan )

Creating our empty web app

Step 5
We need to go back to our Azure portal, to verify that we have really created a web App.On the Azure portal, click on the App services to verify the web app & web plan we have created.

APP Services

webApp & webPlan

Step 6
we are going to take a look at what is in the webplan where the computer resources are hosted.

Web plan

Step 7
Lets go back to the home page ,click on 'Appservices', then click on the webApp we have created and lets see all we have created.Click on the Default domain to make we have created an empty web App, that its running and waiting for content.


Default domain

Empty web App

Step 8
We deploy code to the application.We do that by going overview page, search for 'Advance Tools, enter and click on 'Go'.

Advance Tools

Go of Advance Tools

Step 9
On the 'Kudu+ page, click on 'Debug console' and choose 'CMD' and click on it.


Step 10
Click on 'site',then click on 'wwwroot'.



Step 11
Click on the pencil icon.

Pencil icon

Step 11
On the prompt page, delete any default code, then leave it empty.Go to chatGPT to get your code, paste it and save it.For example lets get the code for United Kingdom taxi services, so we will go chatGPT and type 'html, css and javascript code for United Kingdom Taxi service' and chatGPT will generate the code.

Getting our code

Generated code

paste and save code

Step 12
Go back to the webApp we have created, click on 'Default domain' to verify if we have uploaded a content in our web App.

verify our default domain

Uploaded web Ap

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