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Article on how to Create Virtual Machine Scale Set.

Let's start by refreshening our mind on what a virtual machine is. A virtual machine (VM) is the virtualization or emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide the functionality of a physical computer. Azure virtual machine (VM) can be created and managed independently. Each VM is a standalone instance with its own configuration, storage, and network settings.Individual, standalone virtual machines that provide the flexibility to customize resources and configurations.

A virtual machine scale set (VMSS) consists of a group of identical virtual machines that are load-balanced, enabling automatic scaling of workloads. This set can be set up to flexibly change the number of virtual machines based on defined conditions. Furthermore, we can manually adjust it to efficiently allocate computing resources for workload management.

Steps to create a virtual machine scale set.
Step 1
Login to your Azure portal (To access the Azure portal, we’ll need to provide our login credentials, which include our username and password.)

Azure Login

Step 2
I am going to create a virtual machine in azure portal first, I am going to do that by using the Quick start template, go the 'resource search',type 'deploy a custom template' and 'Enter ',click on the grayed one.

Deploy custom template

Step 3
Click on 'create a Linux virtual machine.

Create a Linux virtual machine

Step 4
In the 'project details',choose your subscription, create a new resource group.In the 'Instance details',choose your region, Admin username and Admin password.Then click on 'Review+Create'.

Project details

Instance details


Step 5
Click on 'Create',wait for it to initialise, and deployed.Click on 'Go to resource group'.


Deployment in progress

Complete deployment

Go to resource group

Step 6
Click on the virtual machine we have created.Before we create any VMSS, we must capture the virtual machine we created because we want to have the same configuration .so we click on 'Capture'.

Virtual machine

Step 7
Create an image, in creating an image ,most of the tabs have been grayed out because we are capturing what we have created before.We create our compute gallery(its where the captured images are being stored).we choose our operating system between Generalised state(its going to require username and password when you first boot it and specialised ( won't require username and password when you boot it.).We Create a 'Target VM image definition'

creating an image

create a compute gallery

Specialised state

Target VM image definition

Step 8
Choose when you want it to expire.Tag and then 'Review+create'.




Step 9
Click on 'Create'.N/B before to create a new image it will stop the virtual machine from running, thats why the deployment also takes time.


stopping vm before deploying

Deployment in progress

Complete deployment

Step 10
Click on 'Go to resources',now we have image that was created for us

Jidenna gallery

Step 11
Create VMSS by clicking on 'Create VMSS',then choose your subscription,and create/choose existing'Resource group under 'Project details'.

Project details

Step 12
Under the 'Scale set details',we choose the virtual machine scale set, region, zone.

Scale set details

Step 13
Under Ochestration, we choose between flexible(achieve high availability) and Uniform mode (optimized for large scale stateless workload).Then choose among manual, autoscaling and no scaling profile.Finally instance this article we are going to choose Manuel calling

Orchestration details

Step 14
Fill in the instance details, choosing the image and the size

Instance details

Step 15
In administrator account, its been grayed and not highlighted because we choose the specialised state.We go the 'Tag' to create title then we click on 'Review+create'.

![Administrator account in specialised state](



Step 16
when it passed its validation, we should click on 'Create',then wait for initialisation and deployment.Click on 'Go to resource'


Deployment in progress

Deployment complete

Go to resource

Step 17
Checking and verifying what we created.

verifyng our work

Verifyng the article

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