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Cover image for Open Source ABCs: Collaboration
BekahHW for OpenSauced

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Open Source ABCs: Collaboration

Welcome to Day 9 of our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "C" for Collaboration.

Collaboration: Collaboration is at the heart of open source. It's the cooperative effort among developers, contributors, and users to improve and enhance open source projects through shared knowledge and contributions.

Now, we want to hear from you! What other OSS terms can you think of that start with the letter "C"?

Remember to use the hashtag #100DaysOfOSS if you share on social media, and don't forget to tag us @saucedopen so we can follow along.

Top comments (8)

chinwenma profile image
Chinwenma Okorie

Contribution: Any addition or improvement made by individuals to an open source project. This could be in different ways like writing reviews, codes, or even supporting contributors and maintainers,etc

bekahhw profile image

This is a great one!

chinwenma profile image
Chinwenma Okorie

Thanks so much

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Vanilla Ice saying "Stop, Collaborate, and Listen"

bekahhw profile image

This comment wins the internet.

diivi profile image
Divyansh Singh

i252hub profile image

This is awesome! <33

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa