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Phuoc Nguyen
Phuoc Nguyen

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Display a deprecation message in a React component

In our previous post, we learned how to use a high-order component (HOC) with the forwardRef function. In this post, we'll explore one of the most common use cases for HOCs: warning users about deprecated components.

A deprecated component is a React component that has been marked as outdated and is no longer recommended for use. While deprecated components may still work, they often have known issues and may be removed in future versions of the library. To ensure compatibility and maintainability, it's important to update any code using deprecated components to use newer alternatives.

In this post, we'll show you how to display a deprecation message in a deprecated React component. With this technique, you can warn users when they're using a deprecated component and provide guidance on how to update their code.

Why it's important to display a deprecation message

Displaying a deprecation message for deprecated components is crucial because it informs developers that the component they're using is no longer recommended and may cause issues in future versions. This helps developers avoid potential bugs and errors that may arise from continued use of the deprecated component.

Moreover, it encourages developers to update their code to use newer alternatives, which can lead to better performance and maintainability in the long run. By providing clear and timely communication about deprecated components, developers can make informed decisions about how to best maintain their codebase and ensure compatibility with future updates.

Situations where displaying a deprecation message can be helpful

Displaying a deprecation message can be especially useful in larger codebases where it may not be immediately clear which components are deprecated. By providing a clear warning message, developers can quickly identify and update any instances of the deprecated component.

If a deprecated component is widely used throughout a project or across multiple projects, displaying a deprecation message can help ensure that all instances of the component are updated to newer alternatives in an organized and timely manner. This can prevent potential issues down the line if the deprecated component is removed entirely from future versions of the library.

Lastly, displaying a deprecation message can also be helpful when working with teams or collaborators who may not have known that a particular component has been marked as deprecated. By providing clear communication about which components should no longer be used, everyone involved in the project can make informed decisions about how to best maintain and update their codebase.

Displaying deprecation messages

The code example below includes a deprecateComponent() function that serves as a higher-order component. This function takes in two parameters: a deprecated React component and a message to display when the component is used.

The deprecateComponent() function returns a new wrapper component called Deprecated. This component displays the deprecation message and renders the original component.

import * as React from 'react';

export function deprecateComponent<P, T>(
    Component: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<P> & React.RefAttributes<T>>,
    message: string
): typeof Component {
    const Deprecated = React.forwardRef<T, P>((props, ref) => {
        return (
                {...props as React.PropsWithoutRef<P>}

    Deprecated.displayName = `deprecated(${Component.displayName})`;

    return Deprecated;
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The Deprecated component is designed to help you deprecate a component in your React application. It forwards any refs passed to it to the original component using React.forwardRef(). Additionally, it calls the console.warn() function to display a deprecation message in the console. However, you have the freedom to use your own logging mechanism if you prefer.

To ensure that any debugging tools or error messages reference the correct name for the deprecated component, the displayName property of the Deprecated component is set dynamically based on the name of the original component passed to the deprecateComponent() function. We use a template string to add deprecated before the original component's name, making it easier for developers to identify and update instances of the deprecated component in their codebase.

Here's a straightforward way to use the Deprecated component:

const DeprecatedDropdown = deprecateComponent(
    'Please use `Menu` instead of `Dropdown` as it is now deprecated'
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From this moment on, developers will receive a warning message in the console every time they use the Dropdown component.

Warning about deprecation once

When a component is marked as deprecated, developers may use it in multiple places throughout their codebase. But using the Deprecated component to display a warning message each time a deprecated component is rendered could result in an excessive number of warnings if the deprecated component is used frequently.

To solve this issue, we can replace the console.warn function with the function below to show the deprecation warning only once.

const warnedMessages: {
    [message: string]: boolean;
} = {};

export const warnOnce = (message: string) => {
    if (!warnedMessages[message]) {
        warnedMessages[message] = true;
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The warnOnce() function keeps track of whether a warning message has been displayed or not. It works by taking in a string that represents the deprecation message to be displayed. The function checks if the message has already been logged by looking it up in an object called warnedMessages.

If the message hasn't been logged yet, the console.warn() function is called to display the deprecation message in the console. The function then sets the value of that specific message key in warnedMessages to true. By doing so, any subsequent calls with the same message will be ignored since its value would be true.

This approach helps to avoid flooding your console with warning messages and ensures that developers are informed about deprecated components without being excessively interrupted during development.

The Deprecated component makes use of the warnOnce function to display the warning message, making sure it's shown only once.

import { warnOnce } from './warnOnce';

const Deprecated = React.forwardRef<T, P>((props, ref) => {
    return (
            {...props as React.PropsWithoutRef<P>}
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In this post, we're going to explore how to display a deprecation message in a React component using a higher-order component. By doing so, developers can communicate clearly and promptly about deprecated components, making it easier to maintain their codebase and ensure compatibility with future updates.

It's crucial to display a deprecation message for deprecated components because it informs developers that the component they're using is no longer recommended and may cause issues in future versions. This is especially helpful in larger codebases, widely used components, and team collaborations.

To make the process easier, we've provided the deprecateComponent() function and the warnOnce() function, which are user-friendly solutions for deprecating React components while providing clear warning messages.

By following these techniques, you'll be able to keep your codebase up-to-date with newer alternatives while ensuring compatibility and maintainability over time.

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