Same as Minimum Obstacle removal to reach corner
Time Complexity: O(n*mlog(n*m)
Space Complexity: O(m*n)
//BFS : dijkstras
class Solution {
public int minCost(int[][] grid) {
// consider each cell as a node and choose nodes that are reachable in shorted distance possible from the current node
PriorityQueue<Cell> queue = new PriorityQueue<>((a,b)->,b.c));
int cost =0;// min cost to reach to the goal node
queue.add(new Cell(0,0,0,grid[0][0]));//start with the first cell (i,j,cost,direction)
int visited[][] = new int[grid.length][grid[0].length];
Cell cell = queue.remove();
//check for all the neighbouring cells of the current cell and add them
// in the queue with additional cost if incurred
int I = cell.i;
int J = cell.j;
if(visited[I][J]==1) continue;
visited[I][J] = 1;
//if we have reached the goal node break out
if(I == grid.length-1 && J == grid[0].length-1) {
cost = cell.c;// the goal node cost
int costSoFar=cell.c;// cost till the current node
int dirs[][] = {{0,1},{0,-1},{1,0},{-1,0}};
// from current node(I,J) we can move in 4 directions right,left,down,and up
for(int d = 0;d<dirs.length;d++){ //0(1:right),1(2:left),2(3:down),3(4:up) i.e index + 1 offset will give the direction of movement
int i = I+dirs[d][0];
int j = J+dirs[d][1];
//(i,j) is the new node make sure it is not out of grid and not visited previously
if(i>=0 && j>=0 && i<grid.length && j<grid[0].length && visited[i][j]==0){
int c = costSoFar;//cost till the currentNode (I,J)
if(grid[I][J] != (d+1)) c+= 1; // if we moving in the same direction, no addition cost will be applied else cost of 1 will inccur
queue.add(new Cell(i,j,c,grid[i][j]));
return cost;
class Cell{
public int i;
public int j;
public int c;
public int d;
public Cell(int i, int j, int c, int d){
this.i = i;
this.j = j;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
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