027 - Infinity Cough
This week, Albert and Greg talk games and gaming. Greg envisions a cloud-based computing future. Albert breaks down big gaming businesses. We talk hardware, Google Stadia, internet possibilities, and more!
Discord: Public Function Discord
Albert on Twitter: @alpark
Greg on Twitter: @gregorskii
- The show on Twitter: @aPublicFunction
Email: hello@publicfunction.show
Web: publicfunction.show
Dev.to: dev.to/publicfunction
- Menagerie Encounter Guide : DestinyTheGame
- Game anywhere on your Mac, Windows PC, or SHIELD device with NVIDIA’s cloud gaming service
- Stadia Founder's Edition - No waiting for game downloads - Google Store
- pfSense® - World's Most Trusted Open Source Firewall
- FreeNAS Storage Operating System | Open Source - FreeNAS - Open Source Storage Operating System
- Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements – curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
- NovelKeys, LLC
- WHAT / IF | Netflix Official Site