When the Resource API first came out, the resource
function returned a promise, and the rxResource
function only returned the first value of the Observable. It was particularly obvious in the rxResource
function when
request : this.num,
loader: ({ request: n }) => timer(0, 1000).pipe(take(n))
emits one integer and complete, not n integers.
Fortunately, the Resource API will support streaming where the functions can return multiple responses in Angular 19.2.0.
The options of the rxResource
function remain the same, but the resource function has a new stream
option to support streaming.
In this blog post, I will demonstrate streaming table rows using the rxResource
and resource
Custom makeARow RxJS operator
function makeRows(numRows: number, numElementsPerRow: number) {
return function (source: Observable<number>) {
return source.pipe(
tap((i) => console.log('timer called', i)),
map((num) => Array(numElementsPerRow).fill(0).map((_, index) => (num * numElementsPerRow + index) + 1)),
The makeRows
custom operator populates an array of numbers and unsubscribes after a specified number of rows are populated.
Stream data with the rxResource function
@let rxResourceTitle = 'Aggregate table rows with rxResource stream';
<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="table" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: tableDataRxResource, title: rxResourceTitle }"/>
<ng-template #table let-tableResource let-title="title">
<p>{{ title }}</p>
@for (row of tableResource.value(); track $index) {
@for (data of row; track data; let last=$last) {
@let delimiter = last ? '' : ', ';
<span>{{ `${data}${delimiter}` }}</span>
In the HTML template, I create a NgTemplate to display the table rows and a static title. In the ng-container element, I assign the template variable, table, to the ngTemplateOutlet
input. Moreover, I assign the static title and the resource value to the ngTemplateOutletContext
selector: 'app-root',
imports: [NgTemplateOutlet],
templateUrl: 'main.component.html',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class App {
rowSub = new Subject<number[]>();
table$ = this.rowSub.pipe(
scan((acc, values) => ([...acc, values]), [] as number[][]),
tableDataRxResource = rxResource({
loader: () => this.table$,
constructor() {
timer(0, 1000)
.pipe(makeRows(10, 10))
next: (array) => this.rowSub.next(array)
The rowSub
is a Subject that emits an array of numbers. When rowSub
emits a new array, the table$
Observable uses the scan
RxJS operator to append it into the nested array.
The tableDataRxResource
resource is created by the rxResource
function. The resource
has a loader that streams the table row as it arrives to the $table
The RxJS timer
generates a new row every second in the constructor and stops after the tenth time. When the Observable subscribes, the result is fed to the rowSub
Stream data with the resource function
<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="table" [ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: tableDataResource, title: 'Aggregate table rows with resource stream' }"/>
<ng-template #table let-tableResource let-title="title">
<p>{{ title }}</p>
@for (row of tableResource.value(); track $index) {
@for (data of row; track data; let last=$last) {
@let delimiter = last ? '' : ', ';
<span>{{ `${data}${delimiter}` }}</span>
The ng-container uses the same template with a different resource and static tile.
table = signal<{ value: number[][] }>({ value: [] });
The table
signal holds an object with a value
property. The property stores a nested number array.
tableDataResource = resource({
stream: async () => this.table,
The tableDataResource
resource uses the resource
function to stream the table rows. The stream
option is new and expects an async function that returns a signal.
export class App {
table = signal<{ value: number[][] }>({ value: [] });
tableDataResource = resource({
stream: async () => this.table,
constructor() {
timer(0, 1500)
.pipe(makeRows(10, 10))
next: (array) =>
this.table.update(({ value }) => ({ value: [...value, array] }))
The RxJS timer subscribes and appends the new number array to the table
The resource
function achieves the same result as the rxResource
function; the demo displays a row every second.
- PR: https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/59573
- Resource API: https://angular.dev/guide/signals/resource
- Stackblitz Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-doif2hds?file=src%2Fmain.ts
- Tech Stack Nation Resource Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV9nEZR_PR4&t=33s
- Tech Stack Nation Resource Streaming use cases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPLnR6PQCWA
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