* @param {number} num
* @return {string}
var intToRoman = function(num) {
let integerToRomanMap = {
1000: "M",
900: "CM",
500: "D",
400: "CD",
100: "C",
90: "XC",
50: "L",
40: "XL",
10: "X",
9: "IX",
5: "V",
4: "IV",
1: "I"
/* In JavaScript, when you compare a number (num) with a string (value), JavaScript implicitly converts the string to a number before making the comparison.*/
let result = "";
for (let value of Object.keys(integerToRomanMap).reverse()) {
while (num >= value) {
result += integerToRomanMap[value];
num -= value;
return result;
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