Today we sit with Lara Schenck to discuss CSS Algorithms and my favorite term of the year: Turd Driven Development.
She's brilliant, obviously. And It's a real treat to chat with someone who shares my affinity for CSS and a stoic acceptance of how crappy our codebases are.
But she offers hope, to teams that prioritize the work of design engineering.
Do not miss her talk CSS Algorithms. It's — hands down — my favorite talk of 2019.
- JSConf US
CSS Algorithms at JSConf US 2019 — the one that I saw and is my favorite talk of the year!
- Other versions at CSSconf.EU, strangeloop, and CSS Day
- Tales of a Non-Unicorn: A Story About The Trouble with Job Titles and Descriptions — css-tricks
- Computer Sceince Bootcamp — Lara's exploration into computer science
- baseCS — Exploring the basics of computer science, every Monday, for a year, with Vaidehi Joshi
- Semantic Versioning
- Is CSS a programming language? — Lara's twitter poll from May 2019
- Control flow
- Declarative programming
- Turd-Driven Development
- StranglerFigApplication — an evergreen pattern by Martin Fowler
- Ship of Thesues
- stylelint — A mighty, modern style linter
- Larva — PMC's design system
- How do you see these programming languages? — place your favorite programming languages on a contiuum of "programming"
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