Brian Vaughn joins us for an update on React Developer Tools.
We talk about Fast Refresh for the web, New developer convienciences around codemods, And new React Dev Tools features to help you profile, suspend component trees, and find your way around unfamiliar React apps.
This chat is guaranteed to help you be a quicker, happier, more productive React developer.
- Introducing the New React DevTools on the React docs
- Interactive React Dev Tools Tutorial
- React Developer tooling | Brian Vaughn at React Conf 2019
- React Profile Tooling | Brian Vaughn at React Conf 2018 (last year)
- Fast Refresh on the React Native docs
- reactjs/react-codemod
- webpack
- Metro
- Parcel
- Preparing for the Future with React Prereleases — Introduction of React Release Channels
- Introducing Concurrent Mode (Experimental)
- Progressive Web Animations | Alexandra Holachek at React Conf 2019
- Data Fetching With Suspense In Relay | Joe Savona at React Conf 2019
- Day 1 Keynote | Yuzhi Zheng at React Conf 2019
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Infinite Red
Infinite Red has been designing, shipping and building web and mobile apps for 10 years.
They're experts in React Native and host North America's only React Native conference, Chain React, educating thousands of developers all over the world.
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