Today we chat with Becca Bailey about Refactoring — how to make your React code a little more liveable, human-friendly, and ready for anything.
You can hear more from Becca this march, on finding joy in refactoring. Reactathon is a top React conference in the heart of San Francisco. Becca and I will be there, passing out high fives and excited to meet you. Get a ticket at
- Formidable
- The State of React State in 2019 | Becca Bailey
- Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that matters
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
- Testing JavaScript with Kent C. Dodds
- The different types of tests — Atlassian
- React Testing Library
- Enzyme
- Jest Snapshot Testing
- React Concurrent Mode
- "for each desired change, make the change easy (warning: this may be hard), then make the easy change" — Kent Beck
- ESLint
- Sarah Mei — The Power of Agile
- Konmari Your Code: Finding Joy in Refactoring — Becca's upcoming Reactathon talk