David Khourshid is the man bringing statecharts to the frontend. We talk about XState, model-based testing with xstate-test, and the future designer/coder integration
For the month of february, we're chatting exclusively with Reactathon speakers. You can hear more from David on the topic state-charts for UI development this march. Reactathon is a top React conference in the heart of San Francisco. David and I will be there, chewing people's ears off about better designer tooling. Get a ticket at reactathon.com.
- XState
- Redux
- Constructing the User Interface with Statecharts by Ian Horrocks on Amazon
- Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems by David Harel
- Welcome to the world of Statecharts by Erik Mogensen
- RxJS
- Lodash
- Finite-state machine on Wikipedie
- State diagram on Wikipedie
- SCXML — State Chart XML on Wikipedia
- mukeshsoni/statechart-calculator
- A javascript calculator built with Xstate and Vue — built on the statechart above
- React Context
- RxJS Observable
- Concurrent computing on Wikipedia
- Cooperative multitasking on Wikipedia
- Screen tearing on Wikipedia
- Deterministic system on Wikipedia
- Beyond React 16 | JSConf Iceland by Dan Abramov
- Actor Model on Wikipedia
Write Fewer Tests! From Automation to Autogeneration — David's announcement of Xstate/test at React Rally 2019
- Model-based testing
- @xstate/test
- xstate-test-demo
- Given-When-Then on Wikipedia
- [Cucumber syntax]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber_(software)#Syntax) on Wikipedia
- Adobe Xd
- Sketch
- Sunil Pai on Twitter
- inVision
- Framer
- Sketch.systems
- Subform
- Storybook
- useState
- useReducer
- useMachine from @xstate/react
- keyframers