In this episode, I spoke with Waldemar Hummer, founder and CTO of LocalStack. We discussed what's new in the latest version of LocalStack and highlighted some of the most interesting additions.
One particular highlight for me is the ability to identify IAM permission errors between direct service integrations. For example, when an EventBridge pipe cannot deliver a message to a SQS target. And the ability to use test runs to generate the necessary IAM permissions so they can be added to your Lambda functions.
LocalStack v3 also allows running chaos experiments locally by adding random latency spikes, making an entire AWS region unavailable, or simulating DynamoDB throughput-exceeded errors.
Lots of exciting new features in LocalStack v3! Waldemar gave us a live demo of some of these features. You can watch the episode on YouTube and watch the demos here.
Links from the episode:
- My webinar with Waldemar after LocalStack v2
- LocalStack v3 announcement
- My blog post on when to use Step Functions vs running everything in Lambda
- LocalStack is hiring!
Opening theme song:
Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod