In this episode, I spoke with Luca Mezzalira, who is the author of "Building Micro-Frontends" by O'Reilly, and a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS focusing on serverless.
We talked about micro-frontends and dived deep into his experience with them at both DAZN and AWS. We got a high-level overview of micro-frontends: what it is, how they work, and who should adopt micro-frontends. And why it worked out so well at DAZN, which had the challenge of supporting more than a dozen of devices including set-top boxes with custom versions of HTML!
We were also able to dive deep into some technical topics, such as how to manage the shared user state (e.g. credentials and session); how to build micro-frontends from a CI/CD pipeline POV; and how to maintain a consistent styling and layout across all your micro-frontend pages.
Links from the episode:
- The frontend-discovery-service open-source project in AWS Labs
- Luca's Microfrontends book
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Opening theme song:
Cheery Monday by Kevin MacLeod