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Cover image for The Ideal Stocking Stuffer
Robert Mion
Robert Mion

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The Ideal Stocking Stuffer

Advent of Code 2015 Day 4

Part 1

  1. How about another game of Chess?
  2. Re-writing...
  3. Waiting...

How about another game of Chess?

  • This puzzle is dΓ©jΓ  vu!
  • I solved it eight times as part of 2016 Day 5!
  • So...solving it once should just be another waiting game!


My algorithm in pseudocode:

Import my MD5 library
Set index to 0
Do as long as the first five characters in the generated hash are not zeros
  Increment index by 1
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My algorithm in JavaScript:

const MD5 = require('crypto-js/md5')
let index = 0, input = 'abcdef'
while (MD5(input + index).toString().slice(0,5) !== '00000') index++
return index
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • It took a couple of seconds to run
  • Then generated the correct answer!

Part 2

Six zeroes? No problem!

My algorithm in JavaScript:

const MD5 = require('crypto-js/md5')
let index = 0, input = 'abcdef'
while (MD5(input + index).toString().slice(0,6) !== '000000') index++
return index
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • It took several seconds to run
  • Then generated the correct answer!

I did it!!

  • I solved both parts!
  • Using a snippet of an algorithm I wrote in a nearly-identical puzzle from the prior year!
  • I wrote what may be my shortest Advent of Code program yet, at just four lines when condensed!

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