Why learn data structures?
So data structures are the core and most basic subject for programmers, Any application you build, you have to use data structures in order to optimize the app and deliver the best version of it, without DS it’s not possible to develop applications.
You should learn data structures until you know how to code them and you can develop your own data structures.
Which programming language is suitable?
You can choose any language but the most popular is C & C++. C language does not have any built-in data structures so you can learn DS from the base. I would prefer you to start with C lang. after that you can switch to C++ for competitive coding.
What are Algorithms?
Algorithms are those that are used on data structures. Algorithms is a very vast topic. some popular algorithms are face recognition algorithm (used by our smartphones), location tracking (algorithms used by Google maps), and many more. You can find them on the internet.
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