DEV Community

Sam Webb
Sam Webb

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Remote learning may not have been the best option..

I am a person who asks a LOT of question. I love learning, and there are always a minimum of 20 tabs open on whatever browser I'm using. I probably should have considered this when deciding to take classes for software engineering. Couple this with the fact that I have terrible social anxiety, and it seems like I may have set myself up to fail. I have been pestering the AI bots quite a bit, but I need to force myself to get comfortable engaging more with the community around me. I think a big problem is that I am afraid of looking stupid. Like, everyone else is breezing through all of these concepts and I'm not.

I am going to keep trying, I like to succeed and am super competitive. I just need to form better habits and swallow my pride.

I have been tinkering with ways to help me memorize different concepts. A big thing that keeps throwing me is the way that some information is presented - I like to keep concepts together in my mind with clear examples, it makes it easier to recall.

For example, array methods in JavaScript is something I was struggling with, so I have been screenshotting the visual examples when I practice. Things like


don't always work the way you might assume that they would - like if I had this array:

const theSimpsons = ["Homer", "Marge", "Bart", "Lisa", "Maggie"]
// -> undefined

and I wanted to add another element using .push()

// -> 6

_I wouldn't expect to have gotten the adjusted length of the array back. _ If I want to see the new, mutated array I have to go back to check.

// -> [ 'Homer', 'Marge', 'Bart', 'Lisa', 'Maggie', 'Hugo' ]

Just another thing that I need to keep practicing until it doesn't seem so foreign. I plan to make some charts that combine visual examples that I struggle with (array methods with examples will be the first) so I can use it like a cheat sheet until I've got it down.

Anywhoozle, that's all for now. Stay warm!
and will post when I make it look pretty.

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