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Cover image for πŸš€ Implementing Drag-and-Drop in Next.js without External Packages
Sarwar Hossain
Sarwar Hossain

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πŸš€ Implementing Drag-and-Drop in Next.js without External Packages


Ever wondered how to implement a drag-and-drop feature in your Next.js application without relying on external packages? Here's a quick guide to get you started!

1. Set Up Your Next.js Project

Make sure you have a Next.js project ready to go. If not, you can create one using npx create-next-app.
Create a Component for Drag-and-Drop

2. Create a new component, e.g., **DragTest.tsx,**
where you'll implement the drag-and-drop functionality.
Define Initial Image URLs

3. Define an array of image URLs that you want to use in your drag-and-drop feature.
Use useState for State Management

4. Utilize the useState hook to manage the state of dragged items and image URLs.
Implement Drag-and-Drop Handlers

5. Implement functions for handleDrop, handleDragOver, and handleRemoveItem to manage drag-and-drop events.
Add Styling for Visual Appeal

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6. Enhance the visual appeal by adding some styling. You can customize the appearance of the drop zone and the dragged items.
Make Components Draggable

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7. Make components draggable by using the draggable attribute. Set up onDragStart to capture the dragged item.
Update State on Drop

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Update the state based on the dropped item and manipulate the UI accordingly.
Enjoy Your Drag-and-Drop Feature!

That's it! You've successfully implemented a drag-and-drop feature in Next.js without relying on external packages.

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