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Sebastien Lorber profile picture

Sebastien Lorber

⚛️ React expert 📨 editor 🦖 Docusaurus maintainer 🌋

Five Year Club
Writing Debut
Four Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Three Year Club
8 Week Writing Streak
Two Year Club
One Year Club
4 Week Writing Streak
This Week In React #214 : Base UI, Custom Elements, Next.js, React Router, Android XR, iOS targets, Nitro, RNTL...

This Week In React #214 : Base UI, Custom Elements, Next.js, React Router, Android XR, iOS targets, Nitro, RNTL...

Comments 1
7 min read

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This Week In React #213 : React 19, Next.js, React Compiler, React Router, Restyle, State of RN, Uniffi...

This Week In React #213 : React 19, Next.js, React Compiler, React Router, Restyle, State of RN, Uniffi...

7 min read
This Week In React #212 : Astro, Next.js, Storybook, INP, WebXR, LiveView, Radon, Yoga, Unistyles, gluestack...

This Week In React #212 : Astro, Next.js, Storybook, INP, WebXR, LiveView, Radon, Yoga, Unistyles, gluestack...

7 min read
This Week In React #211 : React Router, Next.js, Rslib, React-Scan, Screens, Edge-to-Edge, RN 0.77 RC, Legend List, Rapier...

This Week In React #211 : React Router, Next.js, Rslib, React-Scan, Screens, Edge-to-Edge, RN 0.77 RC, Legend List, Rapier...

8 min read
This Week In React #210 : React 19 pre-warming, Next.js, TanStack, Expo Workflows, Yoga JSI, Skia, Turbo Haptics, Angular 19...

This Week In React #210 : React 19 pre-warming, Next.js, TanStack, Expo Workflows, Yoga JSI, Skia, Turbo Haptics, Angular 19...

9 min read
This Week In React #209 : Next.js, Compiler, Motion, Remix, Toldo, state-in-url, Expo 52, Skia List, Godot, True Sheet, Nitro...

This Week In React #209 : Next.js, Compiler, Motion, Remix, Toldo, state-in-url, Expo 52, Skia List, Godot, True Sheet, Nitro...

Comments 1
8 min read
This Week In React #208 : Compiler, Next.js, Docusaurus, React Navigation, Shopify, Reanimated, BottomTabs, Container Queries...

This Week In React #208 : Compiler, Next.js, Docusaurus, React Navigation, Shopify, Reanimated, BottomTabs, Container Queries...

Comments 2
8 min read
This Week In React #207: Next.js, shadcn/ui, Headless UI, RN 0.76, New Architecture, NativeWind, RNTL, Reassure, Bottom Tabs...

This Week In React #207: Next.js, shadcn/ui, Headless UI, RN 0.76, New Architecture, NativeWind, RNTL, Reassure, Bottom Tabs...

Comments 1
8 min read
This week in react #206: Next.js, Compiler, shadcn/ui, Turbopack, react-native-mmkv, whip-whep, Svelte, Hono...

This week in react #206: Next.js, Compiler, shadcn/ui, Turbopack, react-native-mmkv, whip-whep, Svelte, Hono...

7 min read
This Week In React #205 : Next.js, useActionState, BottomSheet, edge-to-edge, Ignite, Metro, ES2025, Node.js, TypeScript...

This Week In React #205 : Next.js, useActionState, BottomSheet, edge-to-edge, Ignite, Metro, ES2025, Node.js, TypeScript...

8 min read
This Week In React #204 : React at Meta, Next.js, StyleX, Mitosis, One, Hermes, Zeego, Nitro, TC39, Vite, Deno...

This Week In React #204 : React at Meta, Next.js, StyleX, Mitosis, One, Hermes, Zeego, Nitro, TC39, Vite, Deno...

8 min read
This Week In React #203: DevTools, Next.js, Skia, Native Tabs, Godot, CodePush, void(0), Oxc, Node.js, Tauri...

This Week In React #203: DevTools, Next.js, Skia, Native Tabs, Godot, CodePush, void(0), Oxc, Node.js, Tauri...

10 min read
This Week In React #202 : Next.js, Composition, search params, PPR, Radon, Expo, MiniSim, CSS, Bun, Deno, Node.js...

This Week In React #202 : Next.js, Composition, search params, PPR, Radon, Expo, MiniSim, CSS, Bun, Deno, Node.js...

8 min read
CSS content-visibility for React devs

CSS content-visibility for React devs

Comments 3
2 min read
This Week In React #201 : TanStack, Remix, Next.js-SaaS-Starter, Astro, Redwood, Storybook, Conform...

This Week In React #201 : TanStack, Remix, Next.js-SaaS-Starter, Astro, Redwood, Storybook, Conform...

Comments 1
9 min read
This Week In React #200 :Remix, React Universe, Next.js dynamicIO, :has, Redwood, MDX, Atomic-CRM, NewArch, Fusebox, Hermes...

This Week In React #200 :Remix, React Universe, Next.js dynamicIO, :has, Redwood, MDX, Atomic-CRM, NewArch, Fusebox, Hermes...

Comments 1
10 min read
This Week In React #199: shadcn, Next.js, Remix, RN-WebGPU, React-Three-Fiber, Re.Pack, Super Apps, RN-macOS, EAS...

This Week In React #199: shadcn, Next.js, Remix, RN-WebGPU, React-Three-Fiber, Re.Pack, Super Apps, RN-macOS, EAS...

7 min read
This Week In React #197 : Waku, Effect, TanStack, Framer Motion, use(), Preact, Valtio, Astro, Three.js, Nitrogen...

This Week In React #197 : Waku, Effect, TanStack, Framer Motion, use(), Preact, Valtio, Astro, Three.js, Nitrogen...

8 min read
This Week In React #196 : Nitro Modules, use dom, macOS, Screens, Autolinking, Cocoapods, Corepack, Node.js, TypeScript...

This Week In React #196 : Nitro Modules, use dom, macOS, Screens, Autolinking, Cocoapods, Corepack, Node.js, TypeScript...

Comments 1
7 min read
This Week In React #195 : Compiler, Refactoring components, XState Store, Next.js, Redwood, Vitale, Astro, LLMs, Astro...

This Week In React #195 : Compiler, Refactoring components, XState Store, Next.js, Redwood, Vitale, Astro, LLMs, Astro...

8 min read
This Week In React #194 : React Conf, Rsnext, TypeScript, Next.js, PPR, Owner components, Preloading, Zustand, Flutter...

This Week In React #194 : React Conf, Rsnext, TypeScript, Next.js, PPR, Owner components, Preloading, Zustand, Flutter...

Comments 1
8 min read
This Week In React #190: Suspense, Internals Explorer, DevTools, RSC + Vite, Codemod, Astro, INP, composition, Reassure...

This Week In React #190: Suspense, Internals Explorer, DevTools, RSC + Vite, Codemod, Astro, INP, composition, Reassure...

Comments 1
9 min read
This Week In React #190 : Suspense, Internals Explorer, DevTools, RSC + Vite, Codemod, Astro, INP, composition...

This Week In React #190 : Suspense, Internals Explorer, DevTools, RSC + Vite, Codemod, Astro, INP, composition...

9 min read
This Week In React #189: Next.js Security, useFormStatus, React State,Storybook, Skia Video, Starlink, App Clips, VisionOS...

This Week In React #189: Next.js Security, useFormStatus, React State,Storybook, Skia Video, Starlink, App Clips, VisionOS...

7 min read
This Week In React #188 : React 19 RC0, Data Fetching, Framer Motion, Compiler, Astro, Zod, Remix, Docusaurus, React-Query...

This Week In React #188 : React 19 RC0, Data Fetching, Framer Motion, Compiler, Astro, Zod, Remix, Docusaurus, React-Query...

7 min read
This Week In React #187: Next.js, Expo, Popover, rethrow, SWR, React-Query, Astro, PPR...

This Week In React #187: Next.js, Expo, Popover, rethrow, SWR, React-Query, Astro, PPR...

10 min read
This Week In React #186: React Conf, Compiler, Storybook, SSRF, Inline Styles, New Arch, Expo, Bootsplash, Skia, RN-Video...

This Week In React #186: React Conf, Compiler, Storybook, SSRF, Inline Styles, New Arch, Expo, Bootsplash, Skia, RN-Video...

10 min read
This Week In React #185: React Conf, React Query, refs, Next.js after, mini-react...

This Week In React #185: React Conf, React Query, refs, Next.js after, mini-react...

9 min read
This Week In React #184: Patching, Expo, Strict Mode, DevTools, Next.js, Mitosis, Twofold, Terminosaurus...

This Week In React #184: Patching, Expo, Strict Mode, DevTools, Next.js, Mitosis, Twofold, Terminosaurus...

9 min read
This Week In React #183: Vercel Edge, React Native 0.74 + IDE, refs, patching fetch(), Remix Single Fetch...

This Week In React #183: Vercel Edge, React Native 0.74 + IDE, refs, patching fetch(), Remix Single Fetch...

9 min read
This Week In React #182: v18.3, useDeferredValue, 3D, Metro, Worklets, TC39, TypeScript, Effect, Rspack, GraphQL...

This Week In React #182: v18.3, useDeferredValue, 3D, Metro, Worklets, TC39, TypeScript, Effect, Rspack, GraphQL...

9 min read
This Week In React #181: RSC, Next.js, RTL, RN 3D, Orbit, Gesture Handler, Skia, NewArch Helper, TC39, ESLint, VSCode...

This Week In React #181: RSC, Next.js, RTL, RN 3D, Orbit, Gesture Handler, Skia, NewArch Helper, TC39, ESLint, VSCode...

9 min read
This Week In React #180 : Drag & Drop, React name, Next.js Auth, New Architecture, Gesture Handler, Privacy Manifest...

This Week In React #180 : Drag & Drop, React name, Next.js Auth, New Architecture, Gesture Handler, Privacy Manifest...

Comments 2
9 min read
This Week In React #179: useActionState, Redwood, React-Navigation, RN-Screens, CodePush, VisionOS...

This Week In React #179: useActionState, Redwood, React-Navigation, RN-Screens, CodePush, VisionOS...

Comments 1
9 min read
This Week In React #177 : Skia, Pigment, Mist, Storybook, shadcn/ui, Hydration Diff, Geiger, MDXTS, Remotion, WinterJS...

This Week In React #177 : Skia, Pigment, Mist, Storybook, shadcn/ui, Hydration Diff, Geiger, MDXTS, Remotion, WinterJS...

Comments 3
9 min read
This Week In React #178: Remix and Vite, Type-safe Children, Astro DB, React Compiler, Firebolt...

This Week In React #178: Remix and Vite, Type-safe Children, Astro DB, React Compiler, Firebolt...

7 min read
This Week In React #176: React Compiler, TanStack, Vinxi, Remix i18n, Next.js security, Shopify RN perf, Uni Stack...

This Week In React #176: React Compiler, TanStack, Vinxi, Remix i18n, Next.js security, Shopify RN perf, Uni Stack...

9 min read
This Week In React #175: RSC, Vinxi, Server Actions, Next.js, Remix, WakuLand, Flash Calendar, Zeego, RN Reusables...

This Week In React #175: RSC, Vinxi, Server Actions, Next.js, Remix, WakuLand, Flash Calendar, Zeego, RN Reusables...

Comments 1
9 min read
This Week In React #174: ReactLabs, React-Strict-DOM, Remix, RNGH, Expo, RN+TV, TC39, Vite...

This Week In React #174: ReactLabs, React-Strict-DOM, Remix, RNGH, Expo, RN+TV, TC39, Vite...

12 min read
This Week In React #173: Million, Storybook, visionOS, Expo, Conform, Next.js, Remix, Astro, Apollo, useFormStatus...

This Week In React #173: Million, Storybook, visionOS, Expo, Conform, Next.js, Remix, Astro, Apollo, useFormStatus...

10 min read
This Week In React #172: Next.js, PPR, Remotion, State of React Native, Parcel, Panda, Remix, Skia, Storybook, Tamagui...

This Week In React #172: Next.js, PPR, Remotion, State of React Native, Parcel, Panda, Remix, Skia, Storybook, Tamagui...

Comments 1
11 min read
This Week In React #171: Expo, Next.js, React-Email, Storybook, TypeScript, Vocs, Skottie, Harmony, VisionOS...

This Week In React #171: Expo, Next.js, React-Email, Storybook, TypeScript, Vocs, Skottie, Harmony, VisionOS...

8 min read
This Week In React #170: Waku, Remix, Donuts, RSC resentment, React 19, streams, atob, Maestro, Orbit, Tamagui...

This Week In React #170: Waku, Remix, Donuts, RSC resentment, React 19, streams, atob, Maestro, Orbit, Tamagui...

6 min read
This Week In React #169: useMemo, 2 Reacts, Next.js, Remix, JS Rising Stars, Docusaurus, Astro, Fresnel, Mutative, JSX emails...

This Week In React #169: useMemo, 2 Reacts, Next.js, Remix, JS Rising Stars, Docusaurus, Astro, Fresnel, Mutative, JSX emails...

9 min read
This Week In React #168: TanStack, RSC, preload, shadcn-ui, Catalyst, rsc-cache, WishList, VisionOS, Hermes, release-profiler...

This Week In React #168: TanStack, RSC, preload, shadcn-ui, Catalyst, rsc-cache, WishList, VisionOS, Hermes, release-profiler...

7 min read
This Week In React #167: Hydration, Remix, Server Components, cache, perf, Glow, Unistyles, Expo, :has(), Tailwind, date-fns...

This Week In React #167: Hydration, Remix, Server Components, cache, perf, Glow, Unistyles, Expo, :has(), Tailwind, date-fns...

7 min read
This Week In React #166: Waku, React-Forget, React-Native, Expo, Million, Remotion, Next.js, Storybook, Remix...

This Week In React #166: Waku, React-Forget, React-Native, Expo, Million, Remotion, Next.js, Storybook, Remix...

7 min read
This Week In React #165: StyleX, PandaCSS, Tailwind, Redux, Astro, Next.js, React-Native 0.73, Skia text layouts, Expo EAS...

This Week In React #165: StyleX, PandaCSS, Tailwind, Redux, Astro, Next.js, React-Native 0.73, Skia text layouts, Expo EAS...

7 min read
This Week In React #164: Next.js, Remix, RSCs, React-Forget, MDX, Expo Orbit, Ignite, Victory XL, Reanimated, TypeScript...

This Week In React #164: Next.js, Remix, RSCs, React-Forget, MDX, Expo Orbit, Ignite, Victory XL, Reanimated, TypeScript...

Comments 2
8 min read
This Week In React #163: React-Query, Remix Vite, Next.js Barrels, Gluestack, VisionCamera, Unistyles, Expo debugging...

This Week In React #163: React-Query, Remix Vite, Next.js Barrels, Gluestack, VisionCamera, Unistyles, Expo debugging...

7 min read
This Week In React #162: Lit-React, Remix, Next.js, Fresh, next-safe-actions, Starlight, RN 0.73 RC, RCTText...

This Week In React #162: Lit-React, Remix, Next.js, Fresh, next-safe-actions, Starlight, RN 0.73 RC, RCTText...

8 min read
This Week In React #161: useFormState, Memo, Conform, Progressive Enhancement, Astro, Radix, React-Aria...

This Week In React #161: useFormState, Memo, Conform, Progressive Enhancement, Astro, Radix, React-Aria...

6 min read
This Week In React #160: Remix, Next.js, Expo API Routes, Ladle, MDXEditor, Sonner, Docusaurus, Query String, Bun, TC39...

This Week In React #160: Remix, Next.js, Expo API Routes, Ladle, MDXEditor, Sonner, Docusaurus, Query String, Bun, TC39...

7 min read
This Week In React #159: Bun, Static Hermes, Next.js, React Aria Components, Next Nav, visionOS, Reanimated, Skia Fonts...

This Week In React #159: Bun, Static Hermes, Next.js, React Aria Components, Next Nav, visionOS, Reanimated, Skia Fonts...

7 min read
This Week In React #158: Astro, Server Components, Next.js, Remix, Chakra, Skia, Biome, CSS, Node.js...

This Week In React #158: Astro, Server Components, Next.js, Remix, Chakra, Skia, Biome, CSS, Node.js...

7 min read
This Week In React #157: Concurrent Mode, Gatsby, hydration, useMemo, React-Redux, Fresh, TinyBase, TFLite, Bootsplash...

This Week In React #157: Concurrent Mode, Gatsby, hydration, useMemo, React-Redux, Fresh, TinyBase, TFLite, Bootsplash...

Comments 1
5 min read
This Week In React #156: Server Actions, React Falls Behind, Expo Builds, Suspense Throttling, Obsidiosaurus, Expo DevTools...

This Week In React #156: Server Actions, React Falls Behind, Expo Builds, Suspense Throttling, Obsidiosaurus, Expo DevTools...

7 min read
This Week In React #155: RSC DevTools, Next.js Caching, Expo Party, Graph Gallery, Astro, Storybook, Remix, Reanimated...

This Week In React #155: RSC DevTools, Next.js Caching, Expo Party, Graph Gallery, Astro, Storybook, Remix, Reanimated...

8 min read
This Week In React #154: Server Components, Remix, Next.js, ElementRef, SVG Sprites, NextUI, Storybook, Hermes...

This Week In React #154: Server Components, Remix, Next.js, ElementRef, SVG Sprites, NextUI, Storybook, Hermes...

Comments 1
6 min read
This Week In React #153: Astro, MUI, Next.js, Remix, React-Query, AsyncLocalStorage, Reanimated, React-Tweet, TypeScript...

This Week In React #153: Astro, MUI, Next.js, Remix, React-Query, AsyncLocalStorage, Reanimated, React-Tweet, TypeScript...

8 min read