What does it take to become a senior developer? Let's talk!
Looking for an exception career in software development checkout Sean (swyx) new book The Coding Career Handbook!
(Affiliate link, if you buy the book it supports the podcast)-----------Check out some of our other side projects and cool resources we have available.
RecommendedBooks | https://www.amazon.com/shop/codingtutorials360?listId=1ZAS3KLCZZPNO
Looking for an exception career in software development checkout Sean (swyx) new book The Coding Career Handbook!
(Affiliate link, if you buy the book it supports the podcast)-----------Check out some of our other side projects and cool resources we have available.
- Ultimate Coding Resources List | https://github.com/PizzaPokerGuy/ultimate-coding-resources
- Amazing Developers on YouTube List | https://github.com/ErikCH/DevYouTubeList
- Vue 360 | https://vuecourse.tech/
- 100 Algorithms Challenge | http://dylanisrael.com/?course=100-algorithms
- 100 Front End Interview Question | http://dylanisrael.com/?course=fe-interview
RecommendedBooks | https://www.amazon.com/shop/codingtutorials360?listId=1ZAS3KLCZZPNO