I'm finally getting around to posting my solutions to Advent of Code from last year. The first week, I posted my solutions each day, but I got caught up with other things. So I probably don't really remember my thought process around my solution anymore, but I'll try to add some useful commentary.
Day 9 was pretty fun. I think I actually stopped posting on this day because I felt like my code needed some cleanup first. Whether or not I actually did that cleanup, I don't remember. Looking at it again with fresh eyes, though, it is a little confusing. There is a lot of list manipulation with plenty of list reversals thrown in. The main reason for this approach is to make use of pattern matching to take the first few items off a list. But sometimes I want the first part of the end of the list or the last part of the beginning. So there's a lot of snipping and snapping going on.
I think I liked my approach overall, but the list manipulation is certainly hard to follow. Here it is in all of its glory:
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/string
import gleam/order.{Gt, Eq, Lt}
import simplifile as file
const example = "
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(input) = file.read("input")
let assert 1928 = part1(example)
let assert 2858 = part2(example)
part1(input) |> int.to_string |> io.println
part2(input) |> int.to_string |> io.println
type Block {
Free(size: Int)
File(size: Int, id: Int)
type Disk = List(Block)
fn parse_input(input: String) -> #(Disk, Int) {
let #(disk, _, total_free) =
|> string.trim
|> string.to_graphemes
|> list.index_fold(#([], 0, 0), fn(acc, char, i) {
let #(blocks, id, total_free) = acc
let assert Ok(size) = int.parse(char)
case i % 2 {
0 -> #([File(size, id), ..blocks], id + 1, total_free)
_ if size > 0 -> #([Free(size), ..blocks], id, total_free + size)
_ -> acc
#(disk, total_free)
fn move_file(file: Block, front: Disk) -> Disk {
let assert File(size, id) = file
let assert #(files, [Free(available), ..rest]) = list.split_while(front, is_file)
case int.compare(size, available) {
Gt -> list.flatten([files, [File(available, id)], rest, [File(size - available, id), Free(available)]])
Eq -> list.flatten([files, [file], rest, [Free(size)]])
Lt -> list.flatten([files, [file, Free(available - size)], rest, [Free(size)]])
fn is_file(block: Block) -> Bool {
case block {
File(_, _) -> True
Free(_) -> False
fn is_free(block: Block) -> Bool { !is_file(block) }
fn merge_free(disk: Disk) -> Disk {
case disk {
[Free(s1), Free(s2), ..rest] -> merge_free([Free(s1 + s2), ..rest])
_ -> disk
fn disk_to_string(disk: Disk) -> String {
list.fold(disk, "", fn(acc, block) {
case block {
Free(size) -> acc <> string.repeat(".", size)
File(size, id) -> acc <> string.repeat(int.to_string(id), size)
fn defragment(disk: Disk, total_free: Int) -> Disk {
case disk {
[Free(size), ..] if size == total_free -> disk // done
[File(_, _) as file, ..front] ->
|> move_file(list.reverse(front))
|> list.reverse
|> merge_free
|> defragment(total_free)
[Free(_) as free, File(_, _) as file, ..front] ->
|> move_file(list.reverse(front))
|> list.reverse
|> list.prepend(free)
|> merge_free
|> defragment(total_free)
_ -> disk
fn checksum(disk: Disk) -> Int {
|> list.reverse
|> list.flat_map(fn(block) {
case block {
File(size, id) -> list.repeat(id, size)
Free(size) -> list.repeat(0, size)
|> list.index_fold(0, fn(sum, id, i) { sum + id * i })
fn part1(input: String) -> Int {
let #(disk, total_free) = parse_input(input)
|> defragment(total_free)
|> checksum()
fn move_whole_file(file: Block, front: Disk) -> Disk {
let assert File(size, id) = file
let free_space =
list.split_while(front, fn(block) {
case block {
Free(available) if available >= size -> False
_ -> True
case free_space {
#(files, [Free(available), ..rest]) ->
list.flatten([files, [File(size, id), Free(available - size)], rest, [Free(size)]])
_ -> list.append(front, [file])
fn part2(input: String) -> Int {
let #(original_disk, _) = parse_input(input)
|> list.filter(is_file)
|> list.fold(original_disk, fn(disk, file) {
let assert #(back, [_, ..front]) = list.split_while(disk, fn(f) { f != file })
list.flatten([back, list.reverse(move_whole_file(file, list.reverse(front)))])
|> checksum()
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