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Shafayet Hossain Yashfi
Shafayet Hossain Yashfi

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Dominate Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript.


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is foundational for building well-structured, modular, and reusable code. While JavaScript was initially procedural, ES6 and beyond introduced syntax for OOP, making it an ideal language for mastering both functional and object-oriented paradigms. This article covers the fundamental OOP concepts in JavaScript, including classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction, along with JavaScript-specific features like prototype inheritance and object composition.

Key Concepts of OOP in JavaScript

Encapsulation allows grouping data and methods within objects, restricting direct access to an object’s state. This keeps data protected from unintended modifications and allows controlled interaction.

class Car {
    constructor(make, model) {
        this.make = make;
        this.model = model;
        this._engineOn = false;

    startEngine() {
        this._engineOn = true;
        console.log(`${this.make} ${this.model} engine started.`);

    stopEngine() {
        this._engineOn = false;
        console.log(`${this.make} ${this.model} engine stopped.`);

const myCar = new Car("Toyota", "Corolla");
myCar.startEngine(); // Output: Toyota Corolla engine started.
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Inheritance enables creating child classes based on a parent class, allowing code reuse and defining hierarchies.

class Animal {
    constructor(name) { = name;
    speak() {
        console.log(`${} makes a sound.`);

class Dog extends Animal {
    speak() {
        console.log(`${} barks.`);

const myDog = new Dog("Max");
myDog.speak(); // Output: Max barks.
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Polymorphism lets different classes respond to the same function or method call. JavaScript achieves polymorphism via method overriding.

class Printer {
    print() {
        console.log("Printing document...");

class PDFPrinter extends Printer {
    print() {
        console.log("Printing PDF document...");

const printer = new Printer();
const pdfPrinter = new PDFPrinter();

printer.print(); // Printing document...
pdfPrinter.print(); // Printing PDF document...
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Abstraction simplifies complex systems by exposing only necessary parts. ES2020 introduced private fields with #, allowing encapsulation in classes.

class Account {
    constructor(initialBalance) {
        this.#balance = initialBalance;
    deposit(amount) {
        this.#balance += amount;
    getBalance() {
        return this.#balance;

const myAccount = new Account(1000);
console.log(myAccount.getBalance()); // Output: 1500
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Prototype-Based Inheritance in JavaScript

JavaScript is prototype-based, meaning that objects can directly inherit from other objects rather than classes. This is achieved through prototypes, which are objects from which other objects inherit methods and properties.

function Vehicle(type) {
   this.type = type;

Vehicle.prototype.start = function() {
   console.log(`${this.type} is starting.`);

const car = new Vehicle("Car");
car.start(); // Car is starting.
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Composition over Inheritance

Composition is an alternative to inheritance where instead of creating classes in a hierarchy, you create objects that contain smaller, reusable objects to achieve desired functionality.

const canFly = {
   fly() {

const canSwim = {
   swim() {

function Fish(name) { = name;

Object.assign(Fish.prototype, canSwim);

const fish = new Fish("Nemo");
fish.swim(); // Swimming!
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Advanced OOP Patterns in JavaScript

1. Factory Pattern:
The Factory Pattern is a design pattern where you create objects without specifying the exact class. It’s useful for encapsulating the creation logic of objects.

function createUser(name, role) {
    return {
        describe() {
            console.log(`${} is a ${this.role}`);

const admin = createUser("Alice", "Administrator");
admin.describe(); // Alice is an Administrator
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2. Singleton Pattern:
Singleton is a design pattern where a class has only one instance. It’s useful for creating globally accessible objects like configurations or application states.

const Singleton = (function () {
    let instance;
    function createInstance() {
        return new Object("I am the instance");
    return {
        getInstance: function () {
            if (!instance) {
                instance = createInstance();
            return instance;

const instance1 = Singleton.getInstance();
const instance2 = Singleton.getInstance();

console.log(instance1 === instance2); // true
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3. Observer Pattern:
The Observer Pattern defines a dependency relationship where changes in one object (subject) lead to notifications for other objects (observers).

class Subject {
    constructor() {
        this.observers = [];
    subscribe(observer) {
    notify(data) {
        this.observers.forEach(observer => observer.update(data));

class Observer {
    update(data) {
        console.log("Received update:", data);

const subject = new Subject();
const observer1 = new Observer();

subject.notify("New Data Available"); // Received update: New Data Available
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Challenges and Best Practices

1. Avoiding Inheritance Overuse: Favor composition for better flexibility and reuse.
2. Minimizing Side Effects: Keep data encapsulated to prevent unintended changes.
3. Using Object.freeze: This prevents accidental modifications in immutable objects.

At The End

JavaScript’s approach to OOP provides a flexible, hybrid model combining prototype-based inheritance and classical OOP. With ES6+ advancements like classes and private fields, JavaScript allows developers to build complex applications while maintaining a clean code structure. By mastering OOP in JavaScript, you can build scalable, maintainable, and performant code for real-world applications.

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A meme for you😉😉😉

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Top comments (2)

trplx_gaming profile image
Gabriel Ibe

Too bad I've already seen this meme before 🤧

Another great article in the books 🙌🏼. As a JS game dev, using classes have been a game changer in the way my games function and makes the logic behind the codebase self-explanatory 😅

My games work in a hierarchy of inheritance to give it a structure and your article talked about Composition being a better alternative to Inheritance and whilst being hooked by the concept but the examples you gave didn't use the ES6 class syntax 😭. And your explanation of 3 design patterns were very concise (pls explain more on the observer pattern)

shafayeat profile image
Shafayet Hossain Yashfi

Thanks for your feedback, Gabriel! I’m glad you enjoyed the article and that classes have been a powerful tool for your game development structure. You’re right about Composition; it offers a flexible approach, but I see how using non-ES6 examples may have felt lacking, especially for game developers accustomed to class syntax. I’ll make sure to provide more detailed examples with classes next time! Also, I'll plan to delve deeper into the Observer Pattern soon—it’s definitely worth exploring more. I always appreciate you🖤🖤😊
BTW, I changed the meme for you so you can enjoy a bit😉