Hi there! I'm Shrijith Venkatrama, founder of Hexmos. Right now, I’m building LiveAPI, a tool that makes generating API docs from your code ridiculously easy.
A Bug In Our Code
In the previous post, we got automatic gradient calculation going for the whole expression graph.
However, it has a tricky bug. Here's a sample program that invokes the bug:
a = Value(3.0, label='a')
b = a + a ; b.label = 'b'
In the above, forward pass looks alright:
b = a + a = 3 + 3 = 6
But think about the backward pass:
b = a + a
db/da = 1 + 1 = 2
The answer should be 2
, but we've got 1
as the a.grad
The problem is in the __add__
operation of Value
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None # by default doesn't do anything (for a leaf
# node for ex)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
# out.grad = 1 here
# derivative of '+' is just distributing the grad of the output to inputs
def backward():
self.grad = 1.0 * out.grad # a.grad = 1
other.grad = 1.0 * out.grad # again a.grad = 1
out._backward = backward
Here is another example of a bug:
a = Value(-2.0, label='a')
b = Value(3.0, label='b')
d = a * b ; d.label = 'd'
e = a + b ; e.label = 'e'
f = d * e ; f.label = 'f'
We know that for multiplication operation:
self.grad = other.data * out.grad
d.grad = e.data * out.grad = 1 * 1 = 1
e.grad = d.data * out.grad = -6 * 1 = -6
So far, so good.
Let's look for the next stage:
self.grad = other.data * out.grad
b.grad = a.data * d.grad = -2 * 1 = -2
But, if we consider the expression,
e = a + b
a.grad = b.grad = e.grad = -6
So we have the conflict - of b.grad = -6
(addition) and b.grad = -2
So the general problem here is that - when a Value is used multiple times, there is a conflict and overwriting happens.
So first maybe the grad results of addition are updated, but then in another iteration the grad results of multiplication are also updated - overwriting the previous value.
Solving the bug - "Accumulate Gradients" rather than Replacing Them
The Wikipedia page for Chain Rule a section on multivariable case.
The gist of the general solution is that gradients must be accumulated, rather than replaced, in calculating gradients.
So, the new Value
class is as follows where in _backwards
we accumulate, rather than replace gradients:
class Value:
def __init__(self, data, _children=(), _op='', label=''):
self.data = data
self._prev = set(_children)
self._op = _op
self.label = label
self.grad = 0.0
self._backward = lambda: None # by default doesn't do anything (for a leaf
# node for ex)
def __repr__(self):
return f"Value(data={self.data})"
def __add__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data + other.data, (self, other), '+')
# derivative of '+' is just distributing the grad of the output to inputs
def backward():
self.grad += 1.0 * out.grad
other.grad += 1.0 * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def __mul__(self, other):
out = Value(self.data * other.data, (self, other), '*')
# derivative of `mul` is gradient of result multiplied by sibling's data
def backward():
self.grad += other.data * out.grad
other.grad += self.data * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def tanh(self):
x = self.data
t = (math.exp(2*x) - 1) / (math.exp(2*x) + 1)
out = Value(t, (self, ), 'tanh')
# derivative of tanh = 1 - (tanh)^2
def backward():
self.grad += (1 - t**2) * out.grad
out._backward = backward
return out
def backward(self):
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
if v not in visited:
for child in v._prev:
self.grad = 1.0
for node in reversed(topo):
Now the gradient calculations are correct:
The spelled-out intro to neural networks and backpropagation: building micrograd - YouTube
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