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OSDC Lesson 4: My project on GitHub

Place my own project on GitHub

Enter my project's dir

cd <my-proj>
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Add the project to git and create the repository

git init
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a .git directory will be created

ls -l
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Check the status of the git

git status
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Add all files to the staging

git add .
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Remove a file which I don't want to track on git from staging (e.g. python's cache file)

git reset <file>
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git rm --cached <file>
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git alias

Add the following to the ~/.gitconfig file.

    st = status
    co = checkout
    ci = commit
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git ignore

Add to the .gitginore file a list of files or folders that you want git to ignore, e.g. __pycache___

vi .gitignore
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Add the .gitignore file to git

git add .gitignore
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All the above referred to the local copy of my new git project.

Create a git project on GitHub

  • Go to your user's GitHub page
  • On the top right click +->New repository
  • Provide repository name - preferably with your project's root dir name (but not mandatory).
  • Select Public or Private (I selected Public)
  • Add a README file or .gitignore
    • if I started with creating the project in GitHub and then clone it - I will select to add README and gitignore files.
    • In my case, where I first created the repository locally, using the git init command and only then I careted the remote repo, I will choose not to add README and .gitignore files.
  • Click Create repository (empty one)
  • I will be provided instructions for connecting the remote with my local repositories.

Connect the remote and local repositories

Go back to the project root dir on the command line

git remote add origin
git remote -v
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This will add the following lines to the .git/config file

[remote "origin"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
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Map my branch to main

git branch -M main
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Push repo to remote

The name of the remote is origin and the remote branch is main. The -u configs git to map this connection for later pushes.

git push -u origin main
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This will add the following to the .git/config file

[branch "main"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/main
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This means that the my local branch main is mapped to the remote repo called origin and is merged to the remote main branch.

We can have several remotes, with different remotes for push and pulls (fetch).

Now I can see my source code on the project's GitHub page.

Correct the comment for my last commit before push

My first commit

git commit -m'some comment'
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Let's look at the commit's sha

git log
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Now change the comment for the last commit

git commit -m'a different comment' --amend
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See the the sha was modified

git log
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The next section will discuss Testing for continuous integration

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