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Silviu Glavan
Silviu Glavan

Posted on • Originally published at

Building a GraphQL Transformer for AWS AppSync: Part 2 – Schema Design

I originally intended to write a single post on both schema & table design, but it was getting too long, so I decided to split it into two.

A couple of days ago, I shared my motivation for building a GraphQL Transformer Library for AppSync and what I aim to achieve with it. Since then, I’ve made good progress and wanted to share some decisions regarding schema design.

You can read the full article here, but to setup the context, here are some constrains I had from the beginning:

  1. Global Object IDs and Node Interface support;
  2. GraphQL Connections-based pagination;
  3. Interfaces and Unions support;

Before diving into these practises and their impact on the transformer, let's consider an example schema:

type Author @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  posts: Post @hasMany
  tags: Tag @hasMany

type Post @model {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  date: String
  content: String
  tags: Tag @hasMany(relation: manyMany)
  author: Author @hasOne

type Tag @model {
  name: String
  color: String
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If you are familiar with GraphQL SDL this should make sense. The @model directive defines objects, while @hasOne and @hasMany define relationships.

Global Object IDs & Node Interface

Both are part of the same specification, which defines a standardized way for clients to access any node in the graph.

Consistent object access enables simple caching and object lookups

In practice, each object must implement a Node interface, and a root field called node that must accept an ID argument and return a Node.

The transformer handles this automatically. Here’s how the schema looks after transformation:

interface Node {
  id: ID!

type Post implements Node {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  date: String
  content: String
    filter: TagEdgeFilterInput
    first: Int
    after: String
    sort: SortDirection
  ): TagConnection!
  author: Author
  createdAt: AWSDateTime
  updatedAt: AWSDateTime

type Tag implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  color: String
  createdAt: AWSDateTime
  updatedAt: AWSDateTime

# ...other types are ommited

type Query {
  node(id: ID!): Node
  # ...other fields are ommited
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Notice the difference in the Tag type. The reference schema lacked an id field, but the transformed version includes it. This isn't an omission—GraphQL requires all types implementing an interface to define its fields. The transformer ensures compliance by adding any missing fields.


When listing objects, various implementations exist, but they all share a need for pagination.

The connections spec standardizes cursor-based pagination. Instead of diving into the details, let’s look at how the transformation our fields:

type Author implements Node {
  # ... other fields
    filter: TagFilterInput
    first: Int
    after: String
    sort: SortDirection
  ): TagConnection!

type Post implements Node {
  # ... other fields
    filter: TagEdgeFilterInput
    first: Int
    after: String
    sort: SortDirection
  ): TagConnection!

type TagEdge {
  cursor: String
  node: Tag

type TagConnection {
  edges: [TagEdge!]!
  pageInfo: PageInfo!

type PageInfo {
  hasNextPage: Boolean
  hasPreviousPage: Boolean
  startCursor: String
  endCursor: String
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Let's focus on the TagEdge for a bit. It may seem meaningless since it is just a wrapper around Tag, but it plays a key role in normalizing the differences between how we model one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.

Another benefit is that it can have other fields as well. For example, if declaring a task list where tasks have different orders in various lists, an order field can be added to the edge.

This will become clearer in the next post on table design.

Interfaces and Unions

Since we introduced interfaces earlier, I won’t go into much detail—just know that you can use them. Unions work similarly but don’t require shared fields.

Here’s an example:

type File implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  objectKey: String!
  mimeType: String

type Note implements Node {
  id: ID!
  name: String
  content: String

union Resource = File | Note

type Author implements Node {
  # ... other fields
    filter: ResourceEdgeFilterInput
    first: Int
    after: String
    sort: SortDirection
  ): ResourceConnection

# ... other objects
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From a schema perspective, unions don’t require much explanation. However, their impact on table design will become clearer in the next post.

In this article, I've introduced only the basics of how the transformer works and its core features.

We haven't covered how to define authorization with the @auth directive, attach custom resolvers or data sources, or use utility directives like @readOnly and @writeOnly.

So, stay tuned for more updates and happy coding!

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