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Go LIVE with Flask - Berry Bootstrap 5 Design

Hello Coders!

The video mentioned in this article explains how to Deploy LIVE a simple Flask Starter crafted on top of Berry, a modern Bootstrap 5 design. The product is released on GitHub, and the permissive (MIT) license allows to use of the sources in commercial projects and eLearning activities.

Thanks for reading!

Flask Berry Bootstrap 5 - Sign In Page, starter crafted by AppSeed.

The product is designed to deliver the best possible user experience with highly customizable feature-rich pages. Berry has an easy and intuitive responsive design whether it is viewed on retina screens or laptops. Here are the core features:

  • Up-to-date dependencies
  • Database: SQLite, MySql
  • DB Tools: SQLAlchemy ORM, Flask-Migrate
  • Authentication, Session Based
  • Docker, Page Compression via Flask-Minify
  • 🚀 CI/CD flow included via Render Deployment Platform
  • CDN Support (optional)

Fast-runners can check this video that demonstrates how to use the product and Go LIVE on Render with ease.

✨ Video Transcript

  • ✅ Access the Flask Berry Repository
  • ✅ Present the project structure and modules
  • ✅ Fork the project
  • ✅ Deploy forked project on Render

In the end, the product is successfully deployed with minimal effort and configuration.

Here is the LIVE Demo

Flask Berry Bootstrap 5 - UI Icons Page, starter crafted by AppSeed.

Flask Berry - Dashboard Page

Flask Berry Bootstrap 5 - Main Dashboard Page, starter crafted by AppSeed.

Flask Berry - UI Colors Page

Flask Berry Bootstrap 5 - UI Colors Page, starter crafted by AppSeed.

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