Original post on my blog, happy to include feedback!
Cover: NASA, via New Old Stock
Assuming you're wrangling with whitespace-critical code like
<a href="#">
<!-- will display an additional space character -->
my link text
you could either remove whitespace in your template
<a href="#">my link text</a>
or use your templater's whitespace control:
<a href="#">
{{!-- will remove whitespace on each side of the tilde --}}
{{~ text ~}}
see also: Expressions | Handlebars / Whitespace Control
<a href="#">
{# remove whitespace on each side of the tilde #}
{{- text -}}
<a href="#">
{# remove whitespace on each side of the tilde – not newlines #}
{{~ text ~}}
{# suppress whitespace in this region #}
{% spaceless %}
<a href="#">
{{ text }}
{% endspaceless %}
see also: Twig – spaceless
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