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Suraj Vishwakarma
Suraj Vishwakarma

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Why Everyone Should Learn Programming?



Programming a simple "Hello World" for the very first time made us feel so powerful back then. Programming is used for not only developing software but also enhancing certain skills. The Greats from the industries always said that everyone should learn Programming. Today we are going to look into the some great quotes on "Why Everyone Should Learn Programming?".


Bill Gates

Bill Gates

"I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.”

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking

“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.”

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

“Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”

Elon Musk

Elon Musk

“I taught myself how to program computers when I was a kid, bought my first computer when I was 10, and sold my first commercial program when I was 12.”

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg

“All of my friends who have younger siblings who are going to college or high school - my number one piece of advice is: You should learn how to program.”


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Top comments (11)

stevepryde profile image
Steve Pryde

I think learning programming also teaches you a lot about how computers and especially computer software works in general. So it would help people to have a better understanding of the software they use.

I'd like to think someday anyone could learn enough programming to create their own applications but we're still a long way from that. The knowledge required to make a decent application still requires a huge time investment and is not really feasible as a side skill for the general public. Perhaps people could learn enough swift or kotlin to make simple phone apps. That is doable. But a lot of larger apps require knowledge across several domains, such as databases, tooling, packaging, graphics, GUI design, servers, web technologies, etc. Most software developers will learn most of these but they are specialists. I don't think non-programmers will be able to learn it all as a side skill or at least not without significant time investment.

Maybe there is still some benefit for making small games as a hobby or understanding logic systems and systems thinking in general but I'm not sure. They teach coding in primary school now which I think is great for exposing kids to it so they know if it's something they enjoy, but after that I don't think everyone needs to learn to code.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Yesss, understanding computer and the logic behind their day-to-day usage of software and web would be very useful for them in situations. I see programming as mathematics. We learn lot of things in mathematics but never use it in real life, but actual use of mathematics is not only to use those formula in real life but also to enhance problem solving skills and knowling that to every problem there is solution and different methods.

Programming along with developing software it can enhance problem solving skills and curiosity to learn more.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard • Edited

I beg to differ.

I sure hope not everyone will learn programming and that in the future we keep having bread backers, nurses, fashion designers, baristas hair cutters, professors, doctors, writers, artists, house builders, actors, etc...

And I forgot, we also need farmers. I'm pretty sure farmers are more important than programmers. Try for a couple of weeks to live without new programs and without food to find out by yourselves.

Besides learning programming because some rich people told do so is probably the silliest reason to learn it. Also, obviously those guys didn't get rich by doing programming but by owning companies who went on to be extreme outliers in term of success.

We mock the little girl who dream to be the next Madonna, but nor from the grown up who dreams to be the next Elon Musk, which is about as likely. I stand with the little girl, her dream is more interesting.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Yesss, everybody got the dreams and everybody got the different dreams. It's is necessary that the balance of the society continue to maintain with different people working in different filed of their interest.

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Yeah, they can shift their time to what they are interested in but still I believe that everybody should learn basic and atleast should try hello world and some simple program.

arturssmirnovs profile image
Arturs Smirnovs

I agree that by learning programming your brain thinks differently.. In a good way..

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Yesss , programming has many benefits

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma

Yessssss, people changes interest changes

surajondev profile image
Suraj Vishwakarma
