In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about React Hooks, one year later — what’s changed, how to use them, and more!
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Show Notes1:26 - Hooks vs Render Props
- Hooks win hands down
- useState
- useReducer
- useRef
- useContext
- useEffect
- Custom hooks to hide and encapsulate functionality
35:06 - How we use them
- Index that imports all custom hooks
- Babel alias to hooks folder
- Import { useHook } from ‘hooks’
- useContextState
- useResizeObserver
- useForm
- useGridRower
- useWickedFavIcon
45:54 - Which built-in hooks do we not use?
- useImperativeHandle
- useCallback
- useDebugValue
48:22 - Are hooks harder to learn?
- Wes: Yes — but easier to maintain after the fact
- Scott: Yes — harder conceptually and initially but easier after concepts are understood
50:29 - Are classes going away?
- Wes: I say yes
- Scott: Double yes
- Syntax Ep 092: React Hooks
- Making setInterval Declarative with React Hooks - Dan Abramov
- babel-plugin-module-resolver
- awesome-uses
- Scott: Ars Technica War Stories
- Wes: Mpow CH1 Kids Headphones
- Scott: All Courses - Sign up for the year and save 25%!
- Wes: All Courses - Use the coupon code ‘Syntax’ for $10 off!
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