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Joseph Ochego
Joseph Ochego

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Own your goal - Forge the path

"One of my greatest fears is comfort, and the sense of security it brings along." Of course, I forget I hate it once I'm in that soft, puffy cloud. But an awakening from this state is always appreciated.

Comfort is mostly entrapping - and the security? That's counterfeit. FAKE! mostly, at least

A pleasant disappointment

Unfortunately, I was fortunate enough to have a feel for this "comfort" we so earnestly seek. 2 months in and I was already pitching camp where I now believe I had no business settling.

Fortunately, it was the unfortunate sudden and unforeseen disruption of this "comfort" that shook me up and back to my ambitious and goal-oriented self (now that I read it, framing myself that way is laughable 😅).
Goals far different from what I was set in line for at that moment.

Enough of the play with words. What's all this fuss about?

Let's press rewind for a little bit...

Imagine asking or leaving it to someone to make a decision, of which the consequence is you (not them) waking up at 5 am in the morning to leave, returning home at 6 pm, 6 days a week of exhaustion for the better part of your life going forward.

Imagine leaving a decision of this magnitude to someone else. Crazy, right?

Crazy enough, that's how I landed myself in that zone of "comfort". Luckily, I realized it was more of a trap. Thank God!

Some paths are best forged singularly. Weigh your options, weigh the risks, understand the rewards and make a decision. The fewer people are involved, the less noisy and confusing decision-making becomes, and there you go, self-trust builds up; making decisions becomes that much easier. Understanding and accepting the consequence of each choice too.

No internal conflict, because you never went to 100 people, all with varying opinions, to consult on the best course of action.

No noise. All clear. I bet that's where "clear-headed" came from.

To be fair...

When people make choices for us (especially those responsible for our well-being), it's often because they haven't seen the initiative from our end and they run in to help.

Nevertheless, playing along isn't sustainable. Quite the opposite actually. However, it is the path of least resistance, feels natural to nod and do.

Not surprisingly though, no wins are to be expected at the end of the paths we are pushed into.

Choice is a privilege

For those fortunate enough to have been afforded any amount of privileges in their lives, they would understand that most of the time, although we're grateful to be in such situations, we bear privilege as a burden lined with guilt and shame and sometimes the question "Why me?" Especially if many others are not as fortunate.

Privilege is a gift and a responsibility. It is only fair to use it, the opposite of which would be ungratefulness.

Duly noted, you should make haste while you're still party to that privilege of choice.

In my case, the choice to venture into a path which, although laden with uncertainty, is fuelled by passion, innate curiosity and dedication to lifelong learning and growth.

"I do not want to merely exist. I want to live;
I do not want the most exciting moment of my life to be sitting on a chair watching someone experience the most exciting moment of their life", a podcast I can't remember.

In this vein, I remind myself that one of the greatest gifts we can offer the people we care so deeply about is by being the best version of ourselves we possibly can across all spaces; physically, career-wise, in our relationships, emotionally and spiritually.

To offer anything less to them is to betray them, and worse, ourselves.

This might look like a well-crafted attempt at justifying following the path I want to, and you would be very right.

But it is also the result of desperation, in my search for freedom; mine and yours (the reader). As we know "to write is to be free".

And this my dear friends is an invitation, to Own your goal and forge the path.

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