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Cover image for WEEK 2 : The Notion Return πŸ₯³
The Vedic Developer
The Vedic Developer

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WEEK 2 : The Notion Return πŸ₯³

πŸ₯³ Welcome to the second blog of What I Did This Week ? Where I share:

  • πŸ€” What I did this week ?
  • πŸ“ˆ My progress so far..
  • πŸ“– What I am reading this week ?
  • 🐦 The best tweet I read !
  • 🧡 The best twitter thread I read
  • πŸ“Š Poll of the week

⭐ This week I wrote two article which got a lot of attention among the readers. Check out now πŸ‘‡

To be honest, I was not expecting this level of engagement. All thanks to the DEV Community πŸ˜‡.

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Finally I shifted to Notion this week and migrated all my habit database into it. Earlier I was using Google Sheets for my daily activity tracking.

The best thing about notion is that it is very flexible. I created a F.O.C.U.S Template which is loved my many people. This template is based on The Eisenhower Matrix, which can help you to organize and prioritize your work without any distractions.

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If you are interested and want to try it out, you can get it for free. Just Retweet this tweet and comment "Sent it" and I'll DM a copy of the Notion template for free.

Or you can buy it from Gumroad store.

Here is my habit stats of the week 😜.

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As most of you might not know I am practicing left hand typing on

I know touch typing and I can type with the average speed of 93 wpm using both the hands. But I wanted to learn single hand typing, don't know if will be beneficial or not, but I am enjoying it.

Here is my Left Hand Typing (LFT) stats.

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I am also looking for a good keyboard which is small in width. So that my left hand can cover all the keys. Please let me know in the comment if you know a good keyboard 🀩.


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Click here to read πŸ‘‡

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Let me know what you like πŸ‘‡πŸ€ͺ

Poll of the Week

⚑ What I am reading this week ?

Atomic Habit by James Clear. Right now I am at THE 4TH LAW: Make it Satisfying

Atomic Habit


Haven't set your target yet.. Don't worry you still have time.

Comment your target for this month. Why? Because when you write.. you are converting your plan/goal/idea into some form of action by putting energy into it.

So.. just write down πŸ‘‡ πŸ˜‡
What's your goal of this month ?

Thanks for reading so far... hope you enjoyed as well. Many people will gonna this article.. if you are earliest one. Then don't miss the opportunity to connect with others.

Share in the comment whatever you want. Whatever you want to show. Don't think. Just share. It can be your:
⭐ GitHub Profile
⭐ Twitter Handle
⭐ Your open source project
⭐ Your popular dev article.

Even if nothing comes into your mind.. then share your Profile.

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