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8 Postgres Extensions You Need to Know

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PostgreSQL's flexibility comes largely from its extension ecosystem.

Let's explore eight powerful extensions that can transform your database capabilities with minimal setup.

1. PostGIS 🌎

What it does: Transforms PostgreSQL into a database system that can efficiently handle spatial data. It introduces additional data types such as geometry, geography, raster, and more, along with a suite of functions, operators, and indexing capabilities tailored to these spatial types.

Perfect for: IoT applications, location-based services, and geospatial analysis.


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PostGIS sample query:

We want to know: “How many taxis picked up passengers within 400 meters of Times Square on New Year’s Day 2016?”

-- How many taxis picked up rides within 400m of Times Square on New Years Day?
-- Times Square coordinates: (40.7589, -73.9851)
SELECT time_bucket('30 minutes', pickup_datetime) AS thirty_min, COUNT(*) AS near_times_sq
FROM rides
WHERE ST_Distance(pickup_geom, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-73.9851,40.7589),4326),2163)) < 400
AND pickup_datetime < '2016-01-01 14:00'
GROUP BY thirty_min ORDER BY thirty_min
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The above query produces the following results:

-[ RECORD 1 ]-+--------------------
thirty_min    | 2016-01-01 00:00:00
near_times_sq | 74
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+--------------------
thirty_min    | 2016-01-01 00:30:00
near_times_sq | 102
-[ RECORD 3 ]-+--------------------
thirty_min    | 2016-01-01 01:00:00
near_times_sq | 120
-[ RECORD 4 ]-+--------------------
thirty_min    | 2016-01-01 01:30:00
near_times_sq | 98
-[ RECORD 5 ]-+--------------------
thirty_min    | 2016-01-01 02:00:00
near_times_sq | 112
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2. pg_stat_statements 📊

What it does: Tracks execution statistics for all queries executed by a Postgres database. It'll help you debug queries, identify slow queries, and generally give you deeper information about how your queries are running.

Perfect for: Performance tuning and identifying slow queries.


CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
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Pg_stat_statements sample query

We’re interested in: “What are the top 5 I/O-intensive SELECT queries?”

SELECT query, calls, total_time, rows, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read
FROM pg_stat_statements
ORDER BY shared_blks_read DESC, calls DESC
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The output would look like this:

-[ RECORD 1 ]--—+---------------------------------------------------
query             | SELECT * FROM customer_data WHERE created_at > $1
calls             | 500
total_time        | 23000
rows              | 500000
shared_blks_hit   | 100000
shared_blks_read  | 75000
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+---------------------------------------------------
query             | SELECT name, address FROM orders WHERE status = $1
calls             | 450
total_time        | 15000
rows              | 450000
shared_blks_hit   | 95000
shared_blks_read  | 55000
-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+---------------------------------------------------
query             | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions WHERE amount > $1
calls             | 300
total_time        | 12000
rows              | 300000
shared_blks_hit   | 85000
shared_blks_read  | 50000
-[ RECORD 4 ]-----+---------------------------------------------------
query             | SELECT product_id FROM inventory WHERE quantity < $1
calls             | 400
total_time        | 16000
rows              | 400000
shared_blks_hit   | 80000
shared_blks_read  | 45000
-[ RECORD 5 ]-----+---------------------------------------------------
query             | SELECT * FROM user_logs WHERE user_id = $1 AND activity_date > $2
calls             | 350
total_time        | 17500
rows              | 350000
shared_blks_hit   | 75000
shared_blks_read  | 40000
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3. pgcrypto 🔒

What it does: Adds cryptographic functions to PostgreSQL for encryption, hashing, and more.

Perfect for: Secure storage of sensitive data and password management.


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Pgcrypto sample query

Here’s how you might use pgcrypto to encrypt and decrypt data. Let’s say you want to store encrypted user passwords. First, you would encrypt a password when inserting it into a table:

INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('john_doe', crypt('my_secure_password', gen_salt('bf')));
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In this statement, crypt is a function provided by pgcrypto that encrypts the password using the Blowfish algorithm, which is indicated by gen_salt('bf')

Next, to authenticate a user, you would compare a stored password against one provided during login:

SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = 'john_doe' AND password = crypt('input_password'
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4. pg_partman 📑

What it does: Simplifies the creation and management of table partitions. Partitioning is a key database technique that involves splitting a large table into smaller, more manageable pieces while allowing you to access the data as if it were one table.

Perfect for: This automation is particularly useful for large, time-series datasets that can grow rapidly.


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Pg_partman sample query

Consider a scenario where you have a large table of IoT device data that you want to partition by day.

Here’s how you might set up a daily partition scheme for a table called device_data using pg_partman:

-- Create a parent table
CREATE TABLE device_data (
    time timestamptz NOT NULL,
    device_id int NOT NULL,
    data jsonb NOT NULL

-- Set up pg_partman to manage daily partitions of the device_data table
SELECT partman.create_parent('public.device_data', 'time', 'partman', 'daily');
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In this setup, create_parent is a function provided by pg_partman that takes the parent table name and the column to partition on (time), as well as the schema (partman) and the partition interval (daily).

5. postgres_fdw 🌉

What it does: Allows you to use a Foreign Data Wrapper to access tables on remote Postgres servers (hence the name "fdw"). A Foreign Data Wrapper lets you create proxies for data stored in other Postgres databases to query them as if they were coming from a table in the current database.

Perfect for: Distributed databases and multi-server setups.


CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
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Postgres_fdw sample query

Here’s how you create a connection to your foreign server:

CREATE SERVER myserver FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '', dbname postgres, port '5432');
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This query connects to a database hosted on IP address, with the name postgres at port 5432. Now, create a user mapping so that users on your database can access the foreign server:

SERVER myserver 
OPTIONS (user 'postgres', password 'password');
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6. pgvector 🔍

What it does: Adds support for vector operations in Postgres—enabling similarity search, nearest-neighbor search, and more.

Perfect for: Applications like recommendation systems, image retrieval, and semantic search.


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Pgvector sample query
Say you want to find the most similar images to a given feature vector. Here’s how you might use pgvector to perform a nearest-neighbor search:

-- Assuming we have a table with image features stored as vectors
-- Table: image_features
-- Columns: id (integer), features (vector)

-- Given a query vector, find the 5 most similar images
SELECT id, features
FROM image_features
ORDER BY features <-> 'query_vector'::vector
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This query orders the results by the distance between the query_vector and the features column, effectively returning the closest matches

7. hstore 🔑

What it does: A key-value store within Postgres, that stores sets of key/value pairs in a single Postgres data type.

Perfect for: Semi-structured data with varying attributes that need fast indexing and flexible schema requirements without table alterations.


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Hstore sample query
Here’s an example of how you might use hstore to store and query product data with varying attributes:

-- Create a table with an hstore column for storing product attributes
CREATE TABLE products (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text NOT NULL,
    attributes hstore

-- Insert a product with attributes into the table
INSERT INTO products (name, attributes)
VALUES ('Smartphone', 'color => "black", storage => "64GB", battery => "3000mAh"');

-- Query to find products with a specific attribute
FROM products
WHERE attributes @> 'storage => "64GB"';
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8. pgcre 📝

What it does: Integrates Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) into PostgreSQL, providing advanced string-matching functionality beyond PostgreSQL's built-in regex capabilities.

Perfect for: Applications requiring sophisticated text analysis with complex pattern-matching needs like parsing logs, searching text, or validating string formats with advanced regex features.


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pgpcre sample query
If you want to search for email addresses in a column of unstructured text, you might use a PCRE pattern for matching emails as follows:

-- Assuming we have a table named messages with a column named content
-- Table: messages
-- Column: content (text)
-- Use pgpcre to match email addresses within the content
SELECT content, pcre_match('^\S+@\S+$', content) AS email
FROM messages
WHERE pcre_match('^\S+@\S+$', content) IS NOT NULL;
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Is TimescaleDB a PostgreSQL Extension?

Yes! TimescaleDB is another top ⭐️ extension to know. It adds a query and ingest performance boost to Postgres via automatic partitioning, query planner enhancements, improved materialized views, columnar compression, and much more.

What it does: Enhances Postgres for time-series workloads with features for real-time analytics and efficient data management.

Perfect for: Applications handling time-series data that need faster queries, better storage efficiency, and simplified continuous aggregations.

TimescaleDB example query
Suppose we have a sensor data table that records temperature readings from various devices every minute. We want to analyze the average temperature per hour for a specific device. Here’s how you might construct such a query using TimescaleDB:

-- Assuming we have a hypertable named sensor_readings with columns time, device_id, and temperature
-- Table: sensor_readings
-- Columns: time (TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE), device_id (INT), temperature (DOUBLE PRECISION)

-- Calculate the average temperature per hour for device with ID 1
SELECT time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS one_hour_bucket, 
       AVG(temperature) AS avg_temperature
FROM sensor_readings
WHERE device_id = 1
GROUP BY one_hour_bucket
ORDER BY one_hour_bucket;
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PostgreSQL extensions offer incredible functionality with minimal setup. Most require just a single command to install, yet can dramatically enhance what your database can do.

What's your favorite PostgreSQL extension? Have you tried any of these? Let me know in the comments!

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