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Liu Yongliang
Liu Yongliang

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TypeScript Generic Function Reported As JSX Error


const genericFn = <T>() => {
    return "This is a poorly written example generic function"
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Above is an example of a function with a generic parameter T that could potentially be used within the function body. However, if the above code is saved in a .tsx file (In my context, within a React application, while trying to create a generic custom hook), you will receive with the following error when hover over <T>:

JSX element 'T' has no corresponding closing tag.ts(17008)
Cannot find name 'T'.ts(2304)
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Defining generic function in TypeScript

To resolve the issue, I started with researching on how to properly define a generic function in TypeScript. Perhaps I made a mistake somewhere in the above syntax. I landed on two articles here and here. Both of them talked about how to create a custom React hook that uses generics. However, the syntax used in the articles were similar to the above example but no errors were discussed.

While I did not find an answer after heading over to TypeScript-CheatSheets, I thought the note on avoiding type inference when declaring custom hook was an interesting point that I did not know about.

If you are returning an array in your Custom Hook, you will want to avoid type inference as TypeScript will infer a union type (when you actually want different types in each position of the array). Instead, use TS 3.4 const assertions:

export function useLoading() {
  const [isLoading, setState] = React.useState(false);
  const load = (aPromise: Promise<any>) => {
    return aPromise.finally(() => setState(false));
  return [isLoading, load] as const; // infers [boolean, typeof load] instead of (boolean | typeof load)[]
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This way, when you destructure you actually get the right types based on destructure position.

Credit: TypeScript-CheatSheets

Google the error

Moving on with the second strategy: "Google & Stack overflow". Searching the above error landed me on the following issue in the Microsoft TypeScript repository. There were a few more interesting links here and here.

So according to the reported issue:

The usage of <T> prior to the function braces causes a JSX error within .tsx files: "JSX element has no corresponding closing tag.". Basic example works as expected in a .ts file.

The issue was claimed to be a limitation and there were a few workarounds mentioned (in the thread and also in the related stack overflow post):

  • change from .tsx to .ts
  • add a comma: const f = <T,>(arg: T): T => {...}
  • extend this way: const foo = <T extends unknown>(x: T) => x;
  • or extend this way: const foo = <T extends {}>(x: T): T => x;


Funny how issues like this one will continue to bite us even way into the future... simply because no one is going to do anything about it?

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