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Cover image for Build in Public: Week Two Check-in
BekahHW for Virtual Coffee

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Build in Public: Week Two Check-in

Hey friends 👋

It's week-two check-in time for the Virtual Coffee Build in Public Challenge! This is a challenge where you commit to sharing your progress on a project publicly, on a weekly basis.

Tell us how you did this week. You might share things like:

  • What did I accomplish this week?
  • What are my goals for next week?
  • What challenges am I facing?
  • How can we help you?

And if you haven't started yet, that's ok too! Just jump into the check-ins when you're ready.

Top comments (4)

abbeyperini profile image
Abbey Perini
  • What did I accomplish this week? Sorting, an actual homepage, and CSS
  • What are my goals for next week? More CSS/design, make the dark mode toggle look like more than a checkbox, and maybe more illustrations
  • What challenges am I facing? Picking designs lol
bekahhw profile image
  • What did I accomplish this week? I created the new component for my FCC issue and ran it locally to make sure everything matches the design.
  • What are my goals for next week? Deal with tracking state.
  • What challenges am I facing? Time is never on my side.
adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati
  • What did I accomplish this week?

    • Installed Next.js + Tailwind.
    • Add pages (routers) for About Me, Blog and Contact.
    • Wrote blog posts of my progress!
  • What are my goals for next week?

    • Fix the routers to use App Router instead of Pages Router.
    • Add navbar and footer.
    • Write progress.
  • What challenges am I facing?

    • Time! It's so hard to make time in summer holiday.
michaeljolley profile image
Michael Jolley

Spent the last two weeks streaming on Twitch again!

Launched my personal website redesign at and continued adding features this week.

Stella's Michael's got his groove back.