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Wesley Miranda
Wesley Miranda

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Creating your own ExpressJS from scratch (Part 6) - Creating a body-parser middleware

I have not created tutorials for our Framework for a while, but It's time to return.

Understanding and Creating a Custom Body-Parser Middleware

In this tutorial, we'll dive into the creation of a custom body-parser middleware for our web framework. Before we get into the code, let's understand why this middleware is essential.

Why a Body-Parser Middleware?

The body-parser middleware is a crucial component in web applications as it allows us to transform incoming data streams from HTTP requests into accessible JavaScript objects. Understanding and creating a custom body-parser middleware is fundamental to handling incoming data effectively.

Creating the Middleware


const BodyParser = async (req, res, next) => {
  // (1)
  let body = []

  for await (const chunk of req) {

// (2)
  body = Buffer.concat(body).toString()

// (3)
  if (req.headers['content-type'] === 'application/json') {
    req.body = JSON.parse(body)
  else if (req.headers['content-type'] === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
    let params = new URLSearchParams(body)
    let entries = params.entries();
    req.body = Object.fromEntries(entries)


module.exports = BodyParser

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From the code sessions above

We already know how to create middleware for our Framework, It has the same middleware definition. if you don't know, please take a look at the previous tutorials.

1 - We are reading and storing the Stream object from the request.

2 - Converting the Stream object to a String

3 - Depending on the content-type we have to convert the String to a Javascript Object.

Using the Custom Middleware

Now we have to import our middleware and use it for all requests.


const BodyParser = require('./src/body-parser')

app.useAll(BodyParser)'/body-parser', (req, res) => {
    res.send(`name: ${}, age: ${req.body.age}`)

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Testing the Middleware

If you make a POST request to the endpoint /body-parser with a JSON body like this:

    "name": "Wesley Miranda",
    "age": 28
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You will receive the following response:

name: Wesley Miranda, age: 28
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You can see here how the code is looking.

In the next tutorials, we are going to create the cors and multer middleware for our framework.

I hope you like it!

See you soon!

Top comments (4)

erasmusantwi profile image
Erasmus Antwi

I love this! Thank you very much sir. is this the last part or more on the way?

wesleymreng7 profile image
Wesley Miranda

I am creating more parts

erasmusantwi profile image
Erasmus Antwi

incredible! please keep them coming. would be great if you could add functionality like express-async-errors

duongphan profile image
Thanh Dương Phan

Please make the part 7 !!!