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Yash Sanghvi
Yash Sanghvi

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TypeScript for Beginners: Your First Steps into Typed JavaScript


TypeScript has become an essential tool in modern web development, powering everything from small projects to enterprise applications. In this first part of our three-part series, we'll explore the fundamentals that every TypeScript developer needs to know.


  • Basic understanding of JavaScript
  • Node.js installed on your computer
  • A code editor (VS Code recommended for its excellent TypeScript support)

Setting Up Your TypeScript Environment

First, let's set up a TypeScript project from scratch:

# Install TypeScript globally
npm install -g typescript

# Create a new project directory
mkdir ts-basics
cd ts-basics

# Initialize a new npm project
npm init -y

# Install TypeScript as a dev dependency
npm install typescript --save-dev

# Initialize TypeScript configuration
npx tsc --init
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Core Concepts

1. Basic Types

TypeScript's type system is one of its most powerful features. Let's explore the fundamental types:

// Basic types
let fullName: string = "John Doe";
let age: number = 30;
let isEmployed: boolean = true;

// Arrays
let numbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let names: Array<string> = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"];

// Tuple
let person: [string, number] = ["John", 30];

// Enum
enum Color {
let favoriteColor: Color = Color.Blue;

// Any and Unknown
let notSure: any = 4;
let mysterious: unknown = "hello";
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2. Type Inference

TypeScript is smart enough to infer types in many cases:

// Type inference in action
let message = "Hello"; // TypeScript infers string type
let count = 42;        // TypeScript infers number type
let isValid = true;    // TypeScript infers boolean type

// Array inference
let numbers = [1, 2, 3]; // TypeScript infers number[]
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3. Interfaces

Interfaces define contracts in your code:

interface User {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    email: string;
    isAdmin?: boolean; // Optional property

function createUser(user: User): void {
    console.log(`Creating user: ${}`);

// Using the interface
const newUser: User = {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 25,
    email: ""

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4. Functions in TypeScript

Understanding how to type functions is crucial:

// Function with type annotations
function add(x: number, y: number): number {
    return x + y;

// Arrow function with types
const multiply = (x: number, y: number): number => x * y;

// Optional and default parameters
function greet(name: string, greeting: string = "Hello"): string {
    return `${greeting}, ${name}!`;

// Rest parameters
function sum(...numbers: number[]): number {
    return numbers.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0);
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5. Practical Project: Todo List

Let's create a simple todo list application to practice these concepts:

interface Todo {
    id: number;
    title: string;
    completed: boolean;
    dueDate?: Date;

class TodoList {
    private todos: Todo[] = [];

    addTodo(title: string): void {
        const todo: Todo = {
            completed: false

    toggleTodo(id: number): void {
        const todo = this.todos.find(t => === id);
        if (todo) {
            todo.completed = !todo.completed;

    listTodos(): void {
        this.todos.forEach(todo => {
            console.log(`[${todo.completed ? 'X' : ' '}] ${todo.title}`);

// Usage
const myTodos = new TodoList();
myTodos.addTodo("Learn TypeScript basics");
myTodos.addTodo("Practice coding");
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Common Gotchas and Best Practices

  1. Type Assertions: Use them sparingly
let someValue: unknown = "this is a string";
let strLength: number = (someValue as string).length;
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  1. Null Checking: Enable strict null checks in tsconfig.json
    "compilerOptions": {
        "strictNullChecks": true
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  1. Type vs Interface: Understanding when to use each
// Use interface for object definitions
interface Animal {
    name: string;
    makeSound(): void;

// Use type for unions, intersections, and primitives
type StringOrNumber = string | number;
type Point = { x: number; y: number };
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Next Steps

  • Practice type annotations with different data structures
  • Explore the TypeScript Playground (
  • Read through the official TypeScript documentation
  • Start converting some of your JavaScript projects to TypeScript

Resources for Further Learning

  1. Official TypeScript Documentation
  2. TypeScript Playground
  3. Microsoft's TypeScript GitHub repository

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