Are evolving tech trends and shifts causing tech layoffs? How could this affect innovation and competition? How are those impacted adapting? We're eager to hear your insights.

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That's funny; I was about to write a post about it, but this seems like a better place to start the conversation.
Tech Layoffs
It's not just a trend in the tech industry, but if you look at the overall situation of different world economies and politics, more layoffs are coming, and not only in tech. AI might be another reason; however, it's not the sole contributor currently. Another significant factor, which not everyone might talk about, is the startup bubble deflating. It's a funny way to put it, but that's what layoffs represent in a metaphorical sense.
The overvaluation of startups is no joke; we all knew about it. For some, hiring more people was crucial to build the necessary infrastructure, while for others, it was a means to justify the funding they were seeking. How many times have I seen some friends working in big companies with little to no work? Even in FANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google), people didn't have enough work. We're all aware of the moonlighting that developers have been doing over the last few years.
Most startups now need fewer people, and this need will decrease even further in the future thanks to AI, to effectively maintain and build upon their foundations. More personnel will be required in other departments once the product has established its position, such as those who can monetize the software you've created. No startup is inherently evil (except for a few 🥲), but that's how business dynamics operate.
Small startups, due to economic constraints, have to lay off people as they were unable to achieve sustainability in time.
So, more layoffs will come.
You love code and you don't wanna stop

"If you ever feel hopeless about the future, look to the past."
Have you ever wondered what the best thing the Industrial Revolution did for humanity was? It saved us time—time to think and, with the desperation to survive, innovators were born. What you see today is the outcome of all that.
If you ask me, things look way better for innovators. People in tech who always thought of tech as a quick cash grab, they will be gone. Those who are in it for the love of it, delving into the deepest understanding of concepts, not just learning what's trendy, and loving to create new things, will stay.
As for AI, if you ask me, it's pretty amazing from a creator's perspective. Remember Iron man? Soon, you might be sitting in your basement, creating many things quickly and efficiently like Tony. How cool would be that?
Think about where Open Source can go with the good intentions of selfless people on the internet and the powerhouse of AI to create things rapidly.
So, there is still hope.
"But if you are too hopeful, remember the lessons from the past."
Learn from our generation's mistakes. You've learned great things from our generation, but mistakes are more valuable. Don't chase after vanity metrics. Don't rush it. Sprints are over; only marathons are left, so 😉
When it comes to people, connect with them and create solutions for them. Keep the audience small; sure, the profits will be small, but it will be something. Don't grow more than necessary. If you dislike monopolies, don't aspire to build one.
You never know; perhaps you'll create something to bring peace.
Don't lose hope.
I completely agree with your comment :)
What I've noticed is that the jobs 'around' development, such as customer support, social media, and sales, have been hit the hardest by layoffs. Additionally, some of those started to study programming, making the junior developer job market more competitive. However, there's still a demand for senior developer positions because companies need experienced professionals to handle challenges.
So, the bar raised and we need to raise our skills as well :)
Exactly and Good things is learning can be fast now.
😂 I'm sorry, but this didn't give much hope. Actually made me despair a lot more. 😭💔
Hahaha 🤣
Oh, that's okay; that's obvious.
This wasn't meant to give you hope. 😊
The only hope is you.
But on a side note, I can help. What's stopping you? 😁
What's stopping me from getting a job? Tbh, I don't know at this point. I'd like to believe I'm very qualified, but it still feels as though I'm stuck.
Oh well.
Start with one skill learn fundamentals and then apply that you don’t need a job to master it. Once feel confident in one add another. 😊
Everyone is stuck, have courage and you will out. 😊
Thank youuuuuuuuu ❤️ ❤️
All the best to you in your endeavours.
No, these are just cycles. There will be hiring again and followed by another layoffs, if you look at the bigger picture it keeps happening.
Exactly, Cycles. 💯
For sure.
Since the pandemics we have seen what technology could ever provide for everyday folks. Technology, with the right energy and investment, already is and will be a part of our lives.
Personally I feel that T.I involved professions are the path to be followed right now while there's time.