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What Are Your Favorite JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks?

Hey JavaScript developers! We all have our go-to libraries and frameworks. Which ones do you love using the most and why? Share your favorites, discuss their benefits, and discover new tools that might elevate your development experience.

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Top comments (59)

raguay profile image
Richard Guay

I love using Svelte!

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

I cam here cause i wanted to write Svelte, hahahaha

valeriavg profile image

Deno & Fresh, hands down :-)
Comes with Preact & esBuild so I'd add those to the list too.

wordpressure profile image

Hi, just had a look at Fresh and it looks sick. Are you able to deploy a project to a standard linux/apache server or does it need something fancier like netlify to handle deno for APIS?

valeriavg profile image

Glad you liked it! I use Deno deploy, but you should be able to deploy it as any other app, as long as you can install Deno runtime in your server.
Here is a link from the documentation:, hope it helps!

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wordpressure profile image

Cheers, for this. Will check it out :)

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Deno? Why? It is currently a mere toy nowhere near production grade. Did you know Deno ranked in the 400's in last year's performance tests? NodeJS ranked 212th. Isn't Deno supposed to beat NodeJS? It's not doing it and by a long shot.

valeriavg profile image

Because I like to work with it. I enjoy clean APIs and it’s just perfect for edge computing! I’m not sure what makes you believe it’s not ready for production, I’m sure you have your reasons. I moved my personal projects from Cloudflare workers to Deno deploy some time ago and so far had nothing but pleasant experience, including a significant performance boost or latency drop if you prefer it that way.
I’m not advocating for switching, but do take a look at Fresh and island architecture, it’s a masterpiece despite of its simplicity.

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

I find that performance boost hard to believe after seeing it ranking so poorly last year. Anyway, to each its own, I guess. Cheers.

opentechconsult profile image

Didn't know that. And why is node.js ranked at 212th place. Which one is ranked number one. Can you send a link or reference?

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Hello. I don't have the link handy. It was the performance tests Microsoft used during their .Net7 presentation last year. A third-party company did the benchmarking. I don't remember #1. I remember .Net at 9th place, NodeJS at 212th place, and Deno being all the way down the 400's.

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thenickest profile image

It would be helpful and beneficial to back such comments with a link in the future. Like this your comments lose value, where they actually could provide some. For someone who hasn’t seen the ranking themselves it could just be random numbers.

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Thanks. The value of the comment is actually irrelevant to me in this particular instance. I decided to share what I read at some point in time. I have disclosed the origin, and I bet anyone determined to find it, will find it with my description. I just don't feel the urge to prove myself to anyone here or to serve as a personal assistant and look information up for strangers on their command.
Generally speaking, I will back my comments whenever I feel the need to do it.
Still, your advice is well received. I actually concur.

syeo66 profile image
Red Ochsenbein (he/him)

Performance test of what? Sources are very important for such claims.

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webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas • Edited

I don't understand why people are so defensive of Node and Deno. I guess it's all in the hype.


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syeo66 profile image
Red Ochsenbein (he/him)

It has nothing to do with being defensive. But with all performance tests, the context (what has been tested exactly, and how) does matter.

webjose profile image
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas

Svelte. By far the simplest UI framework in existence, yet it seems to be able to do anything and everything.

For configuration, I'll use my baby wj-config over any other configuration package.

donnierich profile image
Donato Riccio

I really like VueJS for front-end development. It's easy to learn but requires great skills to master.
I think it's one of the best frameworks for junior web devs moving their first steps in the front-end frameworks world.

As for my go-to library I would say p5.js for all the functionalities related to drawings, physics, motions, etc... it's a great resource overall!

kaamkiya profile image

I also use p5.js! I'm glad I'm not the only one :)

gjwes profile image

Vue is always my go-to

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle
  • lodash
  • jest
  • Sequelize
  • ajv
  • I really like built-ins, and I do my best to use them when possible
techthatconnect profile image

Svelte and sveltekit are my faves right now. I love the ssr with csr hydration process of sveltekit and the fact its compiled.

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

Svelte and SvelteKit all day.

mzota profile image
Emmanuel Mzota

ReactJS always

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

To each their own but React even with all its changes doesn't hold a candle to Svelte

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wojciechxtx profile image

Tried both: React and Svelte; Svelte is way better than React IMO; Better but coding exp-wise its NOT nicer.

gulshan profile image

Nuxt with Typescript for me, I guess.

jeesusbock profile image
Jeesus Bock

I like date-fns javascript/typescript library for all my date and time needs. This is something that shouldn't be done from scratch, so even if it isn't date-fns, please do use an established framework for it.

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