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Share Your Secrets for Staying Connected with Colleagues

This week we're chatting all things remote work, and we want to hear from you about your experiences, pros, cons, and advice for those transitioning or considering remote work options.

Let's dive into today's topic of conversation...

How do you maintain a sense of camaraderie and social interaction with colleagues while working remotely? Share creative ways you've connected with team members outside of work-related discussions and/or any virtual team-building activities that have helped strengthen team bonds.

Follow the DEVteam for more discussions and online camaraderie!

Top comments (10)

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

How about a virtual team lunch? Everyone in the company or on a team could get a budget for online food delivery and then hop on a video call at a set time to enjoy some delicious treats together! It could be a nice way to bond, even for teams that are scattered all over the world. Plus, there's a built in discussion topic, as lots of folks connect through a love for food, right? Has anyone tried this? Did it "spice up" team vibes? lol 🙄

overflow profile image

food never fails.

scriptmunkee profile image
Ken Simeon

At my company we do a game night about once a month. We play a vanity of interactive team based online games. Because we are spread cross many timezones, some will have adult beverages while others may still be enjoying an afternoon coffee/tea. All in all its a great way to release the stresses of work.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

so cool idea!

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

My favorite way of building relationship is to do pair programming on share screen 📺

overflow profile image

Ho does that work ?
hope it dos not create sparks ....on commentary of each others code

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Simple rules:

  • One person write code at once, second is watching
  • If you are writing you explain why you doing this to other person
  • If you are watching you listen and eventually ask about some code that was written
  • Any moment you can switch roles

The main goal is to discuss about code and have other person with other perspective. Trying explain your code will force you to rethink what are you doing and why you doing this, other person can help to catch some gaps in your architecture or code itself.

Could it create sparks? Yes, it could but It should be in some positive way, to improve code, not to laugh at you. Anyone who is mental mature will behave like that.

Thread Thread
overflow profile image

i love it!!! there should be an app or plug in for that!!! not necessarily video chat app like...

vikolaz profile image
Rala Volo • Edited

Beyond the superficial encounters typical of online spaces, the video chat revelation has become instrumental in forging live cum authentic and enduring connections. Engaging with women from diverse backgrounds has transformed the virtual sphere into a haven of genuine connections and shared life experiences.

johnsonneil7782 profile image

Great insights! For those interested in exploring further, I recommend visiting milf video chat at It’s a comprehensive platform offering a wide range of live interactions and a vibrant community atmosphere. Quick and easy account setup brings you closer to unforgettable experiences. Definitely worth checking out!