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How I Optimized OG Image Generation: A Performance Case Study πŸ“Š

Hey dev friends! πŸ‘‹ Following our Making OpenGraph Work, let's dive into a real performance optimization journey. Here's what happened when I needed to optimize's OG image generation from 2.5s to under 500ms.

Initial State: The Problem πŸ“‰

When I first launched, performance wasn't great:

Initial Metrics:
- Average generation time: 2.5s
- P95 generation time: 4.2s
- Memory usage: ~250MB per image
- Cache hit rate: 35%
- Failed generations: 8%
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Users were noticing:

"Preview takes too long to load"
"Sometimes images don't generate at all"
"System feels sluggish"

Measurement Setup πŸ“

First, I set up proper monitoring:

interface PerformanceMetrics {
  generation: {
    duration: number;    // Total time
    steps: {            // Step-by-step timing
      template: number;
      render: number;
      optimize: number;
      store: number;
    memory: number;     // Memory usage
    success: boolean;   // Success/failure
  cache: {
    hit: boolean;       // Cache hit/miss
    duration: number;   // Cache operation time

// Monitoring implementation
const monitor = new PerformanceMonitor({
  metrics: ['generation', 'cache', 'memory'],
  interval: '1m',
  retention: '30d'
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The Optimization Journey πŸ› οΈ

1. Template Preprocessing


// Parsing templates on every request
const renderTemplate = async (template, data) => {
  const parsed = await parseTemplate(template);
  return renderImage(parsed, data);
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// Precompiled templates
const templateCache = new Map<string, CompiledTemplate>();

const renderTemplate = async (templateId, data) => {
  if (!templateCache.has(templateId)) {
      await compileTemplate(templates[templateId])
  return renderImage(templateCache.get(templateId), data);

// Result:
// - 300ms saved per generation
// - 40% less memory usage
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2. Multi-Layer Caching

class OGImageCache {
  constructor() {
    this.memory = new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 100 });
    this.redis = new Redis(process.env.REDIS_URL);
    this.cdn = new CloudflareKV('og-images');

  async get(key: string): Promise<Buffer | null> {
    // 1. Check memory cache
    const memoryCache = this.memory.get(key);
    if (memoryCache) return memoryCache;

    // 2. Check Redis
    const redisCache = await this.redis.get(key);
    if (redisCache) {
      this.memory.set(key, redisCache);
      return redisCache;

    // 3. Check CDN
    const cdnCache = await this.cdn.get(key);
    if (cdnCache) {
      await this.warmCache(key, cdnCache);
      return cdnCache;

    return null;

// Result:
// - Cache hit rate: 35% β†’ 85%
// - Average response time: 2.5s β†’ 800ms
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3. Resource Optimization

// Before: Loading fonts per request
const loadFonts = async () => {
  return Promise.all( => fetch(font.url).then(res => res.arrayBuffer()))

// After: Preloaded fonts
const FONTS = {
  inter: fs.readFileSync('./fonts/Inter.ttf'),
  roboto: fs.readFileSync('./fonts/Roboto.ttf')

// Result:
// - Font loading: 400ms β†’ 0ms
// - Memory usage: -30%
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4. Parallel Processing

// Before: Sequential processing
const generateOG = async (template, data) => {
  const image = await render(template, data);
  const optimized = await optimize(image);
  const stored = await store(optimized);
  return stored;

// After: Parallel processing
const generateOG = async (template, data) => {
  const [image, resources] = await Promise.all([
    render(template, data),

  const [optimized, stored] = await Promise.all([

  return finalize(optimized, stored);

// Result:
// - 30% faster generation
// - Better resource utilization
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Current Performance πŸ“ˆ

After these optimizations:

Current Metrics:
- Average generation time: 450ms (-82%)
- P95 generation time: 850ms (-80%)
- Memory usage: 90MB (-64%)
- Cache hit rate: 85% (+50%)
- Failed generations: 0.5% (-7.5%)
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Key Learnings πŸŽ“

  1. Measurement is Critical

    • Set up monitoring first
    • Track detailed metrics
    • Make data-driven decisions
  2. Cache Strategically

    • Multiple cache layers
    • Smart invalidation
    • Warm cache for popular items
  3. Resource Management

    • Preload where possible
    • Optimize memory usage
    • Parallel processing
  4. Error Handling

    • Graceful degradation
    • Detailed error tracking
    • Automatic recovery

Implementation Tips πŸ’‘

  1. Start with Monitoring
// Simple but effective monitoring
const track = metrics.track('og_generation', {
  duration: endTime - startTime,
  memory: process.memoryUsage().heapUsed,
  success: !error,
  cached: !!cacheHit
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  1. Cache Wisely
// Generate deterministic cache keys
const getCacheKey = (template, data) => {
  return crypto
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  1. Handle Errors Gracefully
// Always provide a fallback
const generateWithFallback = async (template, data) => {
  try {
    return await generateOG(template, data);
  } catch (error) {
    return generateFallback(template, data);
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Try It Yourself! πŸš€

I've implemented all these optimizations in, and for Black Friday, you can try the optimized system at 75% off! Generate blazing-fast OG images without worrying about performance.

Share Your Experience 🀝

  • What performance challenges have you faced with OG images?
  • Which optimization techniques worked for you?
  • Any tips to share with the community?

Let's discuss in the comments!

*This is part of the "Making OpenGraph Work" series. *

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