
Hizrawan Dwi Oka
Hizrawan Dwi Oka

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Game Development Diary #2 : Course

22/05/2024 - Wednesday

Day Two

Today's Progress:

-Interface Navigation: Spent time navigating around Godot's interface. The split-screen view and the drag-and-drop functionality are quite user-friendly.

  • Imported Scenes: Successfully imported my first scene into Godot. Understanding the scene system was crucial as it forms the building blocks of Godot's architecture.

  • 3D Mesh Creation: Created a new 3D mesh. It was a bit challenging at first, but the intuitive interface made the process smoother. I also learn how to transform the mesh, create a shape for this mesh.

  • 3D Mesh Creation: Created Lighting, environment, and camerafor this scene so when i run the game it will show something on the screen.

Image description

  • GDScript Basics: -Dived into GDScript scripting. -Wrote a simple script to print strings in the console. -Learn the difference between func _ready and func _process(delta). -Learn GDsripts variable -Learn about strong typing to get better performance and make code more readable
extends Node3D

# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_accept"):
        #Move the character posistion
        position.y += delta
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
    if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


I'm amazed at how flexible and powerful Godot is as a game engine. The community support and documentation are incredibly helpful. The more I explore, the more I realize the potential of this engine for solo indie game developers like myself.

Next Steps:

  • Delve deeper into GDScripts. I want to make collision detection, and learn about rigidbody3d and physics

Resources Used:

  • Complete Godot 3D: Code Your Own 3D Games In Godot 4! - Course

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