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Docker Day 1.5

How to Increase Efficiency of Dockerfiles

Dockerfiles are essential for building Docker images, defining how applications should be packaged into containers. A well-optimized Dockerfile ensures faster builds, smaller image sizes, and enhanced performance in production environments. Inefficient Dockerfiles, on the other hand, can lead to slow builds, bloated images, and security risks. This article will explore best practices to optimize your Dockerfiles, increasing efficiency and improving both development and production workflows.

Table of Contents:

  1. Start with a Minimal Base Image
  2. Leverage Docker’s Build Cache
  3. Minimize the Number of Layers
  4. Use Multi-Stage Builds
  5. Optimize the Order of Instructions
  6. Clean Up After Installation
  7. Reduce Image Size
  8. Take Advantage of .dockerignore
  9. Avoid Hardcoding Credentials
  10. Conclusion

1. Start with a Minimal Base Image

One of the most important steps in creating an efficient Dockerfile is choosing the right base image. The base image is the foundation of your Docker image, so selecting a minimal or specialized image can reduce both the image size and the number of vulnerabilities.

Best Practices:

  • Use official minimal images like alpine or language-specific slim versions such as python:3.9-slim instead of full distributions like ubuntu:latest.
  • Minimal images reduce the attack surface, size, and build times. For example, Alpine is only about 5MB in size compared to the 100+MB for Ubuntu-based images.


# Avoid a heavy base image
FROM ubuntu:latest

# Use a minimal base image like Alpine
FROM python:3.9-alpine
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2. Leverage Docker’s Build Cache

Docker caches layers during image builds, allowing it to skip unchanged layers in future builds. Properly structuring your Dockerfile helps Docker leverage this build cache effectively, reducing build times, especially during development.

Best Practices:

  • Place the most frequently changing instructions toward the end of the Dockerfile. Docker will cache earlier layers, reducing the need to rebuild unchanged parts.
  • If you modify your application code frequently, ensure that code copying happens later in the Dockerfile to avoid invalidating earlier cached layers.


# Order matters - placing dependency installation before code copy
FROM node:14-alpine

# Install dependencies (cached if unchanged)
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install

# Copy application code (frequently changing)
COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "start"]
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3. Minimize the Number of Layers

Each Dockerfile instruction creates a new layer in the final image. More layers can lead to larger image sizes and slower builds. Combining instructions can reduce the number of layers and improve efficiency.

Best Practices:

  • Use multi-line commands to combine multiple RUN instructions into a single layer. This reduces the number of intermediate layers in the final image.
  • Use && to chain commands in a single RUN statement.


# Instead of separate RUN commands:
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y git
RUN apt-get clean

# Combine them into a single RUN statement
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git && apt-get clean
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4. Use Multi-Stage Builds

Multi-stage builds allow you to separate the build environment from the runtime environment, keeping the final image clean and optimized. By copying only the required artifacts from the build stages, you can minimize the size of the final image.

Best Practices:

  • Use a build stage to compile code and a final stage to run the application with only the necessary runtime components.
  • Multi-stage builds are particularly useful for applications written in compiled languages (e.g., Go, Java).


# First stage: Build the app
FROM golang:1.18 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN go build -o myapp

# Second stage: Runtime environment
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=builder /app/myapp .
CMD ["./myapp"]
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5. Optimize the Order of Instructions

The order of instructions in a Dockerfile affects the efficiency of Docker’s caching mechanism. Place commands that change frequently (e.g., copying application code) at the end and commands that change rarely (e.g., installing system dependencies) at the beginning.

Best Practices:

  • Install dependencies early in the Dockerfile, as they are less likely to change compared to application code.
  • Copy your code and configuration files after dependency installation to maximize caching.


# Install dependencies first
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-pip

# Copy application files
COPY . /app

# Run the application
CMD ["python3", "/app/"]
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6. Clean Up After Installation

Some installation steps (e.g., package managers) can leave behind unnecessary files, increasing the size of your image. It’s good practice to clean up temporary files and caches after installing packages.

Best Practices:

  • Use package manager options to remove unnecessary cache files during installation.
  • Delete temporary installation files (e.g., downloaded binaries) after they are no longer needed.


RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y curl && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
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7. Reduce Image Size

Large images consume more disk space, take longer to download, and can slow down container start times. To reduce image size, focus on keeping only what is necessary.

Best Practices:

  • Use minimal base images like alpine.
  • Remove unneeded tools, libraries, and files after installation.
  • Use COPY instead of ADD, unless extracting a tarball or downloading from a URL is necessary.


# Use a small base image like Alpine
FROM node:14-alpine

# Copy only the necessary files
COPY src /app/src
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8. Take Advantage of .dockerignore

The .dockerignore file works similarly to .gitignore, specifying which files and directories should be excluded when building the Docker image. Excluding unnecessary files improves build times and reduces image size.

Best Practices:

  • Add files like local environment configurations, logs, and temporary files to .dockerignore.
  • Avoid copying files that aren’t required for the final application (e.g., tests, documentation, .git directories).

Example of .dockerignore:

# Ignore local environment files
# Ignore logs and temp files
# Ignore version control files
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9. Avoid Hardcoding Credentials

Hardcoding sensitive data like credentials or API keys in your Dockerfile introduces security risks. Instead, use Docker secrets or environment variables to pass sensitive information during container runtime.

Best Practices:

  • Use environment variables for sensitive data like passwords or API keys.
  • For production environments, use Docker's secret management tools or an external secret manager (e.g., AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault).


# Avoid hardcoding credentials in the Dockerfile
# Use environment variables for sensitive data
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10. Conclusion

An efficient Dockerfile leads to faster build times, smaller images, and better security. By starting with a minimal base image, leveraging Docker’s caching, reducing the number of layers, and using multi-stage builds, you can significantly improve your Docker workflows. Clean up unnecessary files, organize your instructions wisely, and exclude irrelevant files to maximize efficiency. Finally, always avoid hardcoding sensitive data in your Dockerfiles to ensure a secure and scalable containerized environment.

Implementing these best practices will help you create lightweight, optimized Docker images that streamline your development and deployment pipelines, ensuring higher productivity and better performance across environments.

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