Torc is home, but what does that mean?
Well, for those that are looking for work, it's a talent delivery and engagement platform. However, if you look a little bit under the hood you find that it’s a community of likeminded people all involved in or building towards a career in tech. No this isn't a bootcamp group, although we know communities for that. So why Torc? Well, regular events on the latest trends and topics in tech are freely available. Resume reviews, LinkedIn profile reviews, interview help as well as any other random help me you can think of in tech, we can do that. The bread and butter is the profile on the platform itself. This provides you the opportunity to see the jobs that are readily available that match your skills that you put in your profile.
Torc Profile
Easy sign up, which will be easier than ever as the next version of the site finishes up. You add your skills and experience and boom the magic of industry leading AI kicks into gear matching your skills with jobs that are available for placement on the Torc platform. Torc even goes a step further than that and they provide assessments based on the skills that you added to your profile so that you can take the assessments (don't cheat they can see that tab switching) and this provides them with evidence of your skills. You apply to a position or say you are interested? The next step kicks in where a real person looks over your profile and assessments (if you completed them, not mandatory, but helpful) and verifies you match up with what the job is needing. Sound easy, because it truly is.
Where is the community aspect?
Now we get to the party, and that my friends is the Torc Discord. This is where you find all the like minded people I wrote about at the beginning. We got Seniors, Middle, Junior and every other level you can think of in tech across the spectrum all in one location. Want to hang out with SAP people? We got that! You wanna hang out with some .Net developers? We got that too!!
Running joke in the Discord because they just keep coming. Key thing here is.... oh yeah did I mention we also aren't strictly English language events? I didn't mention that? Man, well we also have events hosted in Spanish as well. We have channels for Spanish and Portugese so you don't have to only have English speaking events if you don't want to. Tooling is being built for the community routinely to assist the community as well as provide insight to the community. Guides on setting up your LinkedIn, Resume Templates as well as all the regular events that are put on through the week. We also definitely have fun and routinely chat about daily life and checking in with each other.
Why should I join?
Why wouldn't you? Honestly, with the market the way it is right now its hard to get those opportunities and you don't feel like things are working and you are wanting help but don't want to look desperate on LinkedIn asking for help with things. Join us, we care not only about you getting the job, promotion, opportunity but we care about you as a person and want you to succeed in whatever you choose to do. Torc is home, we want you to feel that way when you are on the platform and in the community. Connect with people, meet at events and know that you have a full community behind you ready to help whenever you need it. We will also make fun of each other because that is what home is, a place you can be comfortable and be the real you. So what are you waiting for? Join the platform, jump in the Discord and say Jeff sent you in the Discord and I will promise to reply with a cool Meme or Gif to greet you.
To quote my friend and one of the community team at Torc Jason Torres
Just click the image below and Welcome Home.
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So glad to have met you through the torc community! <3
If anyone wants to join the torc community, be sure to use this link so it's free: