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Cover image for Refactoring 017 - Convert Attributes to Sets
Maxi Contieri
Maxi Contieri

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Refactoring 017 - Convert Attributes to Sets

Favor immutability by converting attributes to sets

TL;DR: Using sets for attributes simplifies your code and makes state management easier

Problems Addressed

  • Mutability
  • Complexity
  • Attributes become polluted
  • Setters

Related Code Smells


  1. Identify attributes representing states
  2. Replace the attributes with sets: one for each state
  3. Adjust methods to move items between sets instead of mutating attributes

Sample Code


class Bill {
  amount: number;
  paid: boolean;

  constructor(amount: number) {
    this.amount = amount;
    this.paid = false;

  pay() {
    if (!this.paid) {
      this.paid = true;

const bill = new Bill(100);
console.log(bill.paid); // false;
console.log(bill.paid); // true
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// 1. Identify attributes representing states

class Accountant {  
   // 2. Replace the attributes with sets: one for each state
  unpaidBills: Set<Bill>;
  paidBills: Set<Bill>;

  constructor() {
    this.unpaidBills = new Set();
    this.paidBills = new Set();

  addBill(bill: Bill) {

  payBill(bill: Bill) {    
    // 3. Adjust methods to move items
    // between sets instead of mutating attributes
    if (this.unpaidBills.has(bill)) {

class Bill {
  amount: number;

  constructor(amount: number) {
    this.amount = amount;

const bill = new Bill(100);
const accountant = new Accountant();
console.log(accountant.unpaidBills.has(bill)); // true
console.log(accountant.paidBills.has(bill)); // true
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[X] Semi-Automatic


This refactoring is safe when your attributes don't rely on specific indexing behavior.

Since sets don't maintain element order, check if your logic depends on order.

Why is the code better?

Entities are immutable in the essence.

Using sets ensures uniqueness and simplifies logic.

You no longer need to check for duplicates before adding elements.

Operations like union, intersection, and difference become straightforward, making your code more maintainable and flexible.


Sets don't preserve element order.

If your logic depends on sequence, converting to a set may not be appropriate and you should use an Ordered Collection or Array

AI Refactoring

You can prompt your AI assistants to make this refactoring for you.

Try Them!

Without Proper Instructions With Specific Instructions
Claude Claude
Perplexity Perplexity
Copilot Copilot
Gemini Gemini


  • Mutability

Related Refactorings

See also


Image by Angelo Giordano in Pixabay

This article is part of the Refactoring Series.

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