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How to Integrate anyIPSDK in Your Swift App in Just 15 Minutes


I integrated anyIPSDK as an additional revenue stream for my iOS app. It runs alongside my existing ad system with no performance impact, doesn't collect user data, and provides a passive income stream based on my DAUs. Implementation is just a few lines of code with a straightforward Swift package integration.

Hey fellow devs! After struggling to monetize my iOS app beyond traditional ads, I recently tried out anyIPSDK and was surprised by how quick the integration was. I thought I'd share my experience in case it helps anyone else looking for alternative revenue streams.

What I Found Out About anyIP-SDK

I was skeptical at first (as we all should be with SDKs), but after getting the code and running tests, it turned out to be a pretty decent way to get passive revenue!

What convinced me to try it:

  • It runs in the background while my app is active without any UI changes or user interruptions
  • The performance impact was minimal - I monitored CPU usage before and after
  • It's privacy compliant (important since my user base is mostly in Europe)
  • I didn't have to change my existing AdMob implementation
  • Works across platforms (I'm planning a macOS version of my app soon)

Here's how I implemented it in about 15 minutes.

Step 1: Getting It Installed

I was contacted by anyIP SDK team and got access to their swift-sdk package. Then it pretty basic:

  1. Unarchived it to my dev folder
  2. Opened my project in Xcode
  3. Went to "Package Dependencies" in project settings
  4. Clicked "+" and selected "Add Local..."
  5. Browsed to the SDK directory
  6. Added it to my project

This was straightforward - just a standard local Swift package. Xcode handled the dependencies without any issues.

Step 2: Initializing in My Code

After installation, I added this to my project:

import DemoSDK

// Initialize with the API key they provided
do {
    let sdk = try DemoSDK(
        apiKey: "my_api_key",
        eulaAccepted: true,  // I only set this after getting user consent
        environment: .production

    // Start it up
    sdk.start {
        print("SDK started successfully!")
    } failure: { error in
        print("Unable to start SDK: \(error)")
} catch {
    print("Failed to initialize SDK: \(error)")

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In this code:

  • I import the DemoSDK module.
  • Initialize it with the API key (which you'll receive from the anyIP team).
  • The eulaAccepted parameter should only be set to true after the user has accepted your app's End User License Agreement.
  • We specify the production environment (I spent some time looking through the SDK code and testing before implementing this just to be safe, but it’s not complicated than this).
  • Finally, we call the start() method with success and failure callbacks.

It’s completely transparent and it didn’t impact my app's launch time at all.

Step 3: Setting Up Automatic Launch

To make this completely hands-off, I decided to launch the SDK at app startup:

class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var sdk: DemoSDK? = nil

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
        // I tie this to my app's existing EULA acceptance
        let eulaIsAccepted = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "user_accepted_eula")

        if eulaIsAccepted {
            sdk = try? DemoSDK(apiKey: "my_api_key", eulaAccepted: true)
            sdk?.start(success: nil, failure: nil)

        return true

    func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {

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Since my app uses SwiftUI, I added this to register the AppDelegate (using the @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor property wrapper):

struct MyApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

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This setup ensures the SDK only runs when my app is active and the user has accepted my terms. It also handles proper shutdown.

Note that even if it’s a simple SDK, the implementation follows best practices for iOS app development.

What I Verified About Privacy and Resource Usage

I'm always cautious about third-party SDKs, so before releasing my update, I:

  • Examined the SDK source code for any privacy concerns
  • Confirmed it doesn't collect user information (this was a big deal for me)
  • Verified there's no cryptocurrency mining
  • Ran Instruments to check CPU/memory impact during extended usage

My Revenue Experience So Far

After about a month of using this in my app:

  • The revenue is based on daily active users who've accepted my EULA
  • Payment varies by user location (my US users generate more than others)
  • I still get my regular ad revenue - but with this SDK I can almost double it!
  • Payments have been reliable, hitting my account within 3 business days of month-end

It's not making me rich (yet), but as a passive additional stream alongside my existing monetization, it's definitely worth the 15-minute implementation time.

If you're considering trying it, feel free to ask me questions in the comments, happy to share more specifics about my experience.

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