When posting my solutions to Advent of Code, I try to make it so that if you were to take my code and run it with your input file, you should get the right answers. This doesn't always work out for several reasons. It could be that the input file requires some analysis that is specific to my input file or easier to inspect visually than programmatically. Or I am using code to iterate on some analysis which I track separately, like monitoring the output for patterns.
For day 10, however, it was simply that I was lazy for part 2 and ended up modifying the code for part 1 to quickly come up with a solution. Unfortunately, this means that my code as presented doesn't work for part 1 anymore (or part 2 for that matter, because I think I messed with it trying to get it back to solve part 1). I can't be bothered to fix it now, so here it is in its current broken state:
import gleam/dict.{type Dict}
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/set.{type Set}
import gleam/string
import simplifile as file
const example = "
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(input) = file.read("input")
// let assert 36 = part1(example)
let assert 81 = part2(example)
// part1(input) |> int.to_string |> io.println
// part2(input) |> int.to_string |> io.println
type Coord =
#(Int, Int)
type Map =
Dict(Coord, Int)
fn parse_input(input: String) -> Map {
|> string.trim
|> string.split("\n")
|> list.index_fold(dict.new(), fn(map, line, x) {
|> string.to_graphemes
|> list.index_fold(map, fn(map, char, y) {
let assert Ok(height) = int.parse(char)
dict.insert(map, #(x, y), height)
fn next_available(map: Map, coord: Coord, current_height: Int) -> List(Coord) {
let #(x, y) = coord
[#(x - 1, y), #(x + 1, y), #(x, y - 1), #(x, y + 1)]
|> list.filter(fn(coord) {
case dict.get(map, coord) {
Ok(height) -> height == current_height + 1
Error(_) -> False
fn walk(
map: Map,
routes: List(Coord),
coord: Coord,
current_height: Int,
) -> List(Coord) {
case current_height {
9 -> [coord]
_ ->
|> next_available(coord, current_height)
|> list.fold(routes, fn(acc, next) {
walk(map, acc, next, current_height + 1)
// fn part1(input: String) -> Int {
// let map = parse_input(input)
// map
// |> dict.filter(fn(_, height) { height == 0 })
// |> dict.fold(0, fn(count, coord, _) {
// count + { walk(map, set.new(), coord, 0) |> set.size }
// })
// }
fn part2(input: String) -> Int {
let map = parse_input(input)
|> dict.filter(fn(_, height) { height == 0 })
|> dict.fold(0, fn(count, coord, _) {
io.debug(walk(map, [], coord, 0))
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